@article{fdi:010080496, title = {{T}he effect of aeration for 6-{P}entyl-alpha-pyrone, conidia and lytic enzymes production by {T}richoderma asperellum strains grown in solid-state fermentation}, author = {{H}amrouni, {R}. and {M}olinet, {J}. and {D}upuy, {N}. and {T}aieb, {N}. and {C}arboue, {Q}. and {M}asmoudi, {A}. and {R}oussos, {S}evastianos}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n recent years, the production of biopesticides has gained great attention in the scientific word because it is an important alternative to replace the much debated chemical pesticides used on the field crops. {F}ungal lytic enzymes, conidia and secondary metabolites like 6 pentyl-alpha-pyrone (6-{PP}) play a very important role in the biological control of pests. {O}n the present study, the influence of application of air through a solid-state fermentation using three {T}richoderma asperellum strains to produce conidia, 6-{PP} and essential enzymes were evaluated. {A} mix of vine shoots, potatoes flour, jatropha, olive pomace and olive oil as substrates was used. {T}. asperellum {TV}104 showed the best 6-{PP} production (3.06 +/- 0.15 mg g {DM}-1), cellulases activities (34.3 +/- 0.4 {U} g(-1)), and amylase activity (46.3 +/- 0.6 {U} g(-1)) however, {T}. asperellum {TF}1 produced the higher levels of lipase (30.6 +/- 0.3 {U} g(-1)), under air conditions. {T}he production of these same enzymes was less efficient without the application of forced aeration. {T}he forced aeration increased the conidia production, the best value was observed with {T}. asperellum {TF}1 (2.23 +/- 0.07 x 10(9) g {DM}-1).}, keywords = {{T}richoderma asperellum ; {B}iological control ; {S}olid-state fermentation ; {E}nzymes ; 6-{P}entyl-alpha-pyrone}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{W}aste and {B}iomass {V}alorization}, volume = {11}, numero = {11}, pages = {5711--5720}, ISSN = {1877-2641}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1007/s12649-019-00809-4}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010080496}, }