@article{fdi:010080486, title = {{N}etworks of care in rural {M}adagascar for achieving universal health coverage in {I}fanadiana district}, author = {{C}ordier, {L}. {F}. and {K}alaris, {K}. and {R}akotonanahary, {R}. {J}. {L}. and {R}akotonirina, {L}. and {H}aruna, {J}. and {M}ayfield, {A}. and {M}arovavy, {L}. and {M}c{C}arty, {M}. {G}. and {A}ina, {A}. {T}. and {R}atsimbazafy, {B}. and {R}azafinjato, {B}. and {L}oyd, {T}. and {I}hantamalala, {F}. and {G}architorena, {A}ndres and {B}onds, {M}. {H}. and {F}innegan, {K}. {E}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{H}ealth care is most effective when a patient's basic primary care needs are met as close to home as possible, with advanced care accessible when needed. {I}n {I}fanadiana {D}istrict, {M}adagascar, a collaboration between the {M}inistry of {P}ublic {H}ealth ({M}o{PH}) and {PIVOT}, a non-governmental organization ({NGO}), fosters {N}etworks of {C}are ({NOC}) to support high-quality, patient-centered care. {T}he district's health system has three levels of care: community, health center, district hospital; a regional hospital is available for tertiary care services. {W}e explore the {M}o{PH}/{PIVOT} collaboration through a case study which focuses on noteworthy elements of the collaboration across the four {NOC} domains: ({I}) agreement and enabling environment, ({II}) operational standards, ({III}) quality, efficiency, and responsibility, ({IV}) learning and adaptation. {U}nder {D}omain {I}, we describe formal agreements between the {M}o{PH} and {PIVOT} and the process for engaging communities in creating effective {NOC}. {D}omain {II} discusses patient referral across levels of the health system and improvements to facility readiness and service availability. {U}nder {D}omain {III} the collaboration prioritizes communication and supervision to support clinical quality, and social support for patients. {D}omain {IV} focuses on evaluation, research, and the use of data to modify programs to better meet community needs. {T}he case study, organized by the domains of the {NOC} framework, demonstrates that a collaboration between the {M}o{PH} and an {NGO} can create effective {NOC} in a remote district with limited accessibility and advance the country's agenda to achieve universal health coverage.}, keywords = {{N}etworks of care ({NOC}) ; health system strengthening ; community health ; universal health coverage ; health-care quality ; {MADAGASCAR} ; {IFANADIANA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{H}ealth {S}ystems and {R}eform}, volume = {6}, numero = {2}, pages = {e1841437 [13 p.]}, ISSN = {2328-8604}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1080/23288604.2020.1841437}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010080486}, }