@article{fdi:010080418, title = {{M}id-infrared spectroscopy to trace biogeochemical changes of earthworm casts during ageing under field conditions}, author = {{B}ottinelli, {N}icolas and {J}ouquet, {P}ascal and {T}ran, {T}. {M}. and {A}roui {B}oukbida, {H}anane and {R}umpel, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}arthworm cast ageing controls soil ecosystem services such as carbon storage and nutrient availability. {T}o test the hypothesis that biogeochemical changes during casts ageing can be traced by infrared spectroscopy, we collected topsoil aggregates and earthworm casts produced by the anecic earthworm {A}mynthas khami belonging to five distinct degradation stages in woodland in northern {V}ietnam. {W}e analysed mid-infrared ({MIR}) spectra of both sample types using two approaches: (1) calculation of the proportion of aliphatic compounds and the humification index of organic matter ({OM}) using specific wavenumbers and (2) linear discriminant analysis ({LDA}) of the most important peaks and shoulders of the entire spectrum. {O}ur results showed that aliphatic compound contribution to {OM} was similar and the humification index of {OM} lower (2-fold) in casts as compared to topsoil aggregates independent of their degradation stage. {I}n contrast, {LDA} showed a continuous shift from fresh casts to aged casts and topsoil aggregates in agreement with biogeochemical changes of cast properties. {W}e thus conclude that {MIR} analysis of bulk samples and {LDA} taking into account the absorbance intensity of most important wavenumbers is a promising tool to capture biogeochemical alterations of organic and mineral earthworm cast properties during ageing.}, keywords = {{B}ioturbation ; {A}ggregation ; {M}acrofauna ; {FTIR} spectroscopy ; {VIET} {NAM}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eoderma}, volume = {383}, numero = {}, pages = {114811 [4 ]}, ISSN = {0016-7061}, year = {2021}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010080418}, }