@article{fdi:010080112, title = {{C}ombined effects of landscape composition and pesticide use on herbivore and pollinator functions in smallholder farms}, author = {{S}truelens, {Q}uentin and {M}ina, {D}. and {D}angles, {O}livier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground : {L}andscape composition has the potential to foster regulating ecosystem services such as pollination and biocontrol in temperate regions. {H}owever, most landscape studies do not take pesticide use into account even though it is the main control strategy worldwide and has negative impacts on beneficial insects. {M}oreover, few studies have explored these combined effects in smallholder cropping system with diverse landscapes and small cultivated fields. {M}ethods : {W}e assessed the effect of semi-natural cover and pesticide use on pollinator and herbivore abundances and functions in 9 fields in the {E}cuadorian {A}ndes through participatory experiments with smallholder farmers. {W}e performed a path analysis to quantify the effects of landscape and pesticide use on herbivory, pollination and ultimately yield. {R}esults : {P}esticide use significantly reduced pollinator abundance but had no significant effect on pest abundance. {S}imilarly, we found non-significant effects of landscape composition on either herbivory and pollination. {T}he study also provides new information on understudied {A}ndean lupine's pests and pollinators, whose application for small farmers is discussed. {F}inally, we hypothesize that peculiarities of tropical smallholder cropping systems and landscapes could explain the non-significant landscape effects on insect-based processes, which calls for more research in places outside the well-studied temperate region. {C}onclusions : {L}andscape composition did not show any significant effect on pest and pollinator while pesticide use decreased the abundance pollinators, but with no significant effect on yield. {T}his study also provides information about {A}ndean lupine reproduction and overcompensation mechanisms that could be of interest for local farmers and researchers of this understudied crop}, keywords = {{ANDES} ; {EQUATEUR}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{CABI} {A}griculture and {B}ioscience}, volume = {2}, numero = {}, pages = {7 [9 ]}, ISSN = {2662-4044}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1186/s43170-021-00027-w}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010080112}, }