@article{fdi:010080111, title = {{Q}uantification of diet variability in a stream amphipod : implications for ecosystem functioning}, author = {{F}elten, {V}. and {T}ixier, {G}. and {G}uerold, {F}. and {D}e {C}respin {D}e {B}illy, {V}. and {D}angles, {O}livier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{N}umerous papers associate the rate of leaf litter decomposition with the presence/abundance of gammarids. {H}owever, recent studies showed that {G}ammarus sp. may have high diet diversity (as animals, moss, algae). {I}n this context, we quantity the diet of {G}ammarus fossa rum to highlight and statistically consider what many authors affirmed rather by observation. {T}o this end, we used a recently described multivariate analysis, called %{PCA}, which allows investigating data dealing with diet composition. {B}ody size and microhabitat type were revealed highly significant variables governing several parameters of the diet. {I}n particular, our results show that food item size and predatory behaviour increased with body size, whilst the type and abundance of food consumed was related to microhabitat type. {F}urthermore, body-size had a significant effect on specialisation whatever the microhabitat type. {N}iche overlap also decreased as pairwise differences in body-size increased, allowing the aggregation of individuals from different instars. {W}e conclude that {G}. fossarum exhibit an opportunistic behaviour, which makes necessary to reconsider the importance of gammarid "shredding" activity to accurately assess stream functioning and flux/redistribution of energy and matter (leaf litter breakdown). {W}e discuss the functional feeding group membership of {G}. fossarum at the individual and population level.}, keywords = {{G}ammarus fossarum ; opportunistic behaviour ; gut content analysis ; {FFG} ; {PCA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}undamental and {A}pplied {L}imnology}, volume = {170}, numero = {4}, pages = {303--313}, ISSN = {1863-9135}, year = {2008}, DOI = {10.1127/1863-9135/2008/0170-0303}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010080111}, }