@article{fdi:010080014, title = {{E}levated {CO}2 emissions during magmatic-hydrothermal degassing at {A}wu {V}olcano, {S}angihe {A}rc, {I}ndonesia}, author = {{B}ani, {P}hilipson and {L}e {G}las, {E}. and {K}ristianto, and {A}iuppa, {A}. and {B}itetto, {M}. and {S}yahbana, {D}. {K}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}wu is a remote and little known active volcano of {I}ndonesia located in the northern part of {M}olucca {S}ea. {I}t is the northernmost active volcano of the {S}angihe arc with 18 eruptions in less than 4 centuries, causing a cumulative death toll of 11,048. {T}wo of these eruptions were classified with a {V}olcanic {E}xplosivity {I}ndex ({VEI}) of 4. {S}ince 2004, a lava dome has occupied the centre of {A}wu crater, channelling the fumarolic gas output along the crater wall. {A} combined {D}ifferential {O}ptical {A}bsorption {S}pectroscopy ({DOAS}) and {M}ulti-component {G}as {A}nalyzer {S}ystem ({M}ulti-{GAS}) study highlight a relatively small {SO}2 flux (13 t/d) sustained by mixed magmatic-hydrothermal emissions made-up of 82 mol.% {H}2{O}, 15 mol.% {CO}2, 2.55 mol.% total {S} ({S}-{T}) and 0.02 mol.% {H}-2. {T}he {CO}2 emission budget, as observed during a short observation period in 2015, corresponds to a daily contribution to the atmosphere of 2600 t/d, representing 1% of the global {CO}2 emission budget from volcanoes. {T}he gas {CO}2/{S}-{T} ratio of 3.7 to 7.9 is at the upper limit of the {I}ndonesian gas range, which is ascribed to (i) some extent of {S} loss during hydrothermal processing, and perhaps (ii) a {C}-rich signature of the feeding magmatic gas phase. {T}he source of this high {CO}2 signature and flux is yet to be fully understood; however, given the peculiar geodynamic context of the region, dominated by the arc-to-arc collision, this may result from either the prolonged heating of the slab and consequent production of carbon-rich fluids, or the recycling of crustal carbon.}, keywords = {{A}wu volcano ; {S}angihe arc ; volcanic degassing ; {CO}2 emission ; {INDONESIE} ; {AWU} {VOLCAN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eosciences}, volume = {10}, numero = {11}, pages = {470 [14]}, year = {2020}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010080014}, }