@article{fdi:010079999, title = {{T}erminalia carinata {S}abatier & {J}.{E}ngel, sp. nov. ({C}ombretaceae), a new large tree species from the {G}uiana shield revealed by re-examination of material previously identified as {T}. guyanensis {E}ichler}, author = {{E}ngel, {J}ulien and {S}abatier, {D}aniel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} new species of {T}erminalia {L}. ({C}ombretaceae) from the {G}uiana shield is described as {T}. carinata {S}abatier & {J}.{E}ngel, sp. nov. based on morphological evidences. {T}his new species was often misidentified as {T}. guyanensis {E}ichler from which it differs, as well as from other neotropical {T}erminalia, by its leaf undersurface palish-gray and slightly pubescent, quite long petioles and fruits with two wings wider than the body that is distinctly keeled on one face and flat on the other. {A}n updated description of {T}. guyanensis is provided and the conservation status of {T}. carinata {S}abatier & {J}.{E}ngel, sp. nov. and {T}. guyanensis is evaluated according to {IUCN} criteria and a status of {L}east {C}oncern ({LC}) is proposed for these two species}, keywords = {{G}uiana {S}hield ; {F}rench {G}uiana ; {C}ombretaceae ; conservation assessment ; new species ; {GUYANE} {FRANCAISE} ; {VENEZUELA} ; {GUYANA} ; {SURINAME} ; {BRESIL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}dansonia}, volume = {42}, numero = {16}, pages = {261--271}, ISSN = {1280-8571}, year = {2020}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079999}, }