@article{fdi:010079956, title = {{M}osquito metabolomics reveal that dengue virus replication requires phospholipid reconfiguration via the remodeling cycle}, author = {{V}ial, {T}homas and {T}an, {W}. {L}. and {D}eharo, {E}ric and {M}iss{\'e}, {D}oroth{\'e}e and {M}arti, {G}. and {P}ompon, {J}ulien}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}engue virus ({DENV}) subdues cell membranes for its cellular cycle by reconfiguring phospholipids in humans and mosquitoes. {H}ere, we determined how and why {DENV} reconfigures phospholipids in the mosquito vector. {B}y inhibiting and activating the de novo phospholipid biosynthesis, we demonstrated the antiviral impact of de novo-produced phospholipids. {I}n line with the virus hijacking lipids for its benefit, metabolomics analyses indicated that {DENV} actively inhibited the de novo phospholipid pathway and instead triggered phospholipid remodeling. {W}e demonstrated the early induction of remodeling during infection by using isotope tracing in mosquito cells. {W}e then confirmed in mosquitoes the antiviral impact of de novo phospholipids by supplementing infectious blood meals with a de novo phospholipid precursor. {E}ventually, we determined that phospholipid reconfiguration was required for viral genome replication but not for the other steps of the virus cellular cycle. {O}verall, we now propose that {DENV} reconfigures phospholipids through the remodeling cycle to modify the endomembrane and facilitate formation of the replication complex. {F}urthermore, our study identified de novo phospholipid precursor as a blood determinant of {DENV} human-to-mosquito transmission.}, keywords = {mosquito ; dengue ; metabolomics ; replication ; phospholipid}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}roceedings of the {N}ational {A}cademy of {S}ciences of the {U}nited {S}tates of {A}merica}, volume = {117}, numero = {44}, pages = {27627--27636}, ISSN = {0027-8424}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1073/pnas.2015095117}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079956}, }