@article{fdi:010079941, title = {{S}ubmesoscale currents modulate the seasonal cycle of nutrients and productivity in the {C}alifornia {C}urrent {S}ystem}, author = {{K}essouri, {F}. and {B}ianchi, {D}. and {R}enault, {L}ionel and {M}c{W}illiams, {J}. {C}. and {F}renzel, {H}. and {D}eutsch, {C}. {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n the {C}alifornia {C}urrent, subduction by mesoscale eddies removes nutrients from the coastal surface layer, counteracting upwelling and quenching productivity. {S}ubmesoscale eddies are also ubiquitous in the {C}alifornia {C}urrent, but their biogeochemical role has not been quantified yet in the region. {H}ere, we present results from a physical-biogeochemical model of the {C}alifornia {C}urrent run at a resolution of 1 km, sufficient to represent submesoscale dynamics. {B}y comparing it with a coarser simulation run at 4 km resolution, we demonstrate the importance of submesoscale currents for the seasonal cycles of nutrients and organic matter and highlight the existence of different regimes along a cross-shore gradient. {I}n the productive coastal region, submesoscale currents intensify quenching and reduce productivity, further counteracting wind-driven upwelling. {I}n the offshore oligotrophic region, submesoscale currents enhance the upward transport of nutrients, fueling a dramatic increase in new production. {T}hese effects are modulated by seasonality, strengthening near the coast during upwelling and offshore in wintertime. {T}he intensification of the transport by submesoscale eddies drives an adjustment of the planktonic ecosystem, with a reduction of plankton biomass, productivity, and size near the coast and an increase offshore. {I}n contrast, organic matter export by sinking particles and subduction of detritus and living cells are enhanced nearly everywhere. {S}imilar processes are likely important in other regions characterized by seasonal upwelling, for example, other eastern boundary upwelling systems.}, keywords = {{C}alifornia {C}urrent {S}ystem ; {S}ubmesoscale eddies ; primary production ; nitrogen cycle ; {PACIFIQUE} {NORD} ; {ETATS} {UNIS} ; {CALIFORNIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}lobal {B}iogeochemical {C}ycles}, volume = {34}, numero = {10}, pages = {e2020{GB}006578 [15 p.]}, ISSN = {0886-6236}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1029/2020gb006578}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079941}, }