@article{fdi:010079923, title = {{O}il gland and oil pores in billfishes : in search of a function}, author = {{D}hellemmes, {F}. and {H}ansen, {M}. {J}. and {B}ouet, {S}. {D}. and {V}ideler, {J}. {J}. and {D}omenici, {P}. and {S}teffensen, {J}. {F}. and {H}ildebrandt, {T}. and {F}ritsch, {G}. and {B}ach, {P}ascal and {S}abarros, {P}hilippe {S}. and {K}ruger, {A}. and {K}urvers, {R}hjm and {K}rause, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}illfishes are well known for their distinctive elongated rostra, i.e. bills. {T}he functional significance of billfish rostra has been frequently discussed and the recent discovery of an oil gland ( glandula oleofera) at the base of the rostrum in swordfish, {X}iphias gladius, has added an interesting facet to this discussion regarding the potential co-evolution of gland and rostra. {H}ere, we investigated the oil gland and oil pores (through which the oil is brought to the skin surface) of four billfish species - swordfish, {A}tlantic blue marlin ({M}akaira nigricans), {I}ndo-{P}acific sailfish ({I}stiophorus platypterus) and striped marlin({K}ajikia audax) - and provide detailed evidence for the presence of an oil gland in the last three. {A}ll four species had a high density of oil pores on the forehead which is consistent with the hypothesis of hydrodynamic benefits of the oil. {T}he extension of the pores onto the front half of the rostrumin sailfish and striped marlin, but not in swordfish or blue marlin, suggests that the oil may have additional functions. {O}ne such function could be linked to the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of the oil. {H}owever, the available evidence on predatory rostrum use (and hence the likelihood of tissue damage) is only partly consistent with the extension of pores on rostra across species. {W}e conclude that the oil gland probably serves multiple, non-mutually exclusive functions. {M}ore detailed information on rostrum use in blue marlin and swordfish is needed to better link behavioural and morphological data with the aim of accomplishing a full comparative analysis.}, keywords = {{C}omparative method ; {F}unctional morphology ; {R}ostrum ; {G}landula oleofera ; {R}ete lubricans ; {F}atty acids ; {C}o-evolution}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {E}xperimental {B}iology}, volume = {223}, numero = {19}, pages = {jeb224956 [7 p.]}, ISSN = {0022-0949}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1242/jeb.224956}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079923}, }