@article{fdi:010079920, title = {{G}lobal models for {R}n-222 and {CO}2 concentrations in the {C}ave of {A}ltamira}, author = {{S}aez, {M}. and {M}angiarotti, {S}ylvain and {C}uezva, {S}. and {F}ernandez-{C}ortes, {A}. and {M}olero, {B}. and {S}anchez-{M}oral, {S}. and {B}enavente, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he purpose of this paper is to model numerically the dynamics of {CO}2 and {R}n-222 in cave atmospheres, particularly in the noteworthy {C}ave of {A}ltamira ({S}pain). {W}e aim to get a better understanding of the nature of these dynamics and their couplings with climatic controls, more specifically the soil water content, which role in the said dynamics poses some questions. {F}or the first time, we apply the global modeling technique in the field of cave microclimate and atmospheric composition. {T}he global modeling technique is a methodology based on the theory of nonlinear systems and designed to extract mathematical models directly from observational time series. {W}e were able to extract four global models from our data. {T}hese models represent a step forward from the existent conceptual ones. {T}hey also show that {CO}2 and {R}n-222 dynamics can be approximated by low-dimensional, deterministic systems, which can be chaotic or, at least, close to chaos; this has decisive methodological consequences for future research. {M}oreover, the global modeling technique was used for the first time in a non-autonomous formulation; this enabled the possibility of studying the influence of the external forcing (soil water content) on the gas concentration in different scenarios.}, keywords = {{ESPAGNE} ; {ALTAMIRA} {GROTTE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}heoretical and {A}pplied {C}limatology}, volume = {143}, numero = {1-2}, pages = {603--626}, ISSN = {0177-798{X}}, year = {2021}, DOI = {10.1007/s00704-020-03440-9}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079920}, }