@article{fdi:010079911, title = {{E}valuating functional dispersal in a nest ectoparasite and its eco-epidemiological implications}, author = {{R}ataud, {A}. and {D}upraz, {M}. and {T}oty, {C}{\'e}line and {B}lanchon, {T}. and {V}ittecoq, {M}. and {C}hoquet, {R}. and {M}c{C}oy, {K}. {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}unctional dispersal (between-site movement, with or without subsequent reproduction) is a key trait acting on the ecological and evolutionary trajectories of a species, with potential cascading effects on other members of the local community. {I}t is often difficult to quantify, and particularly so for small organisms such as parasites. {U}nderstanding this life history trait can help us identify the drivers of population dynamics and, in the case of vectors, the circulation of associated infectious agents. {I}n the present study, functional dispersal of the soft tick {O}rnithodoros maritimus was studied at a small scale, within a colony of yellow-legged gulls ({L}arus michahellis). {P}revious work showed a random distribution of infectious agents in this tick at the within-colony scale, suggesting frequent tick movement among nests. {T}his observation contrasts with the presumed strong endophilic nature described for this tick group. {B}y combining an experimental field study, where both nest success and tick origin were manipulated, with {C}apture-{M}ark-{R}ecapture modeling, dispersal rates between nests were estimated taking into account tick capture probability and survival, and considering an effect of tick sex. {A}s expected, tick survival probability was higher in successful nests, where hosts were readily available for the blood meal, than in unsuccessful nests, but capture probability was lower. {D}ispersal was low overall, regardless of nest state or tick sex, and there was no evidence for tick homing behavior; ticks from foreign nests did not disperse more than ticks in their nest of origin. {T}hese results confirm the strong endophilic nature of this tick species, highlighting the importance of life cycle plasticity for adjusting to changes in host availability. {H}owever, results also raise questions with respect to the previously described within-colony distribution of infectious agents in ticks, suggesting that tick dispersal either occurs over longer temporal scales and/or that transient host movements outside the breeding period result in vector exposure to a diverse range of infectious agents.}, keywords = {capture-mark-recapture ({CMR}) ; multi-state model ; vector ; tick ; {A}rgasidae ; colonial seabirds ; {L}arus michahellis ; {O}rnithodoros maritimus ; {FRANCE} ; {CAMARGUE} ; {FOS} {GOLFE} ; {CARTEAU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}rontiers in {V}eterinary {S}cience}, volume = {7}, numero = {}, pages = {570157 [9 ]}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.3389/fvets.2020.570157}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079911}, }