@article{fdi:010079810, title = {{C}loning of the rice {X}o1 resistance gene and interaction of the {X}o1 protein with the defense-suppressing {X}anthomonas effector {T}al2h}, author = {{R}ead, {A}. {C}. and {H}utin, {M}athilde and {M}oscou, {M}. {J}. and {R}inaldi, {F}. {C}. and {B}ogdanove, {A}. {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {X}o1 locus in the heirloom rice variety {C}arolina {G}old {S}elect confers resistance to bacterial leaf streak and bacterial blight, caused by {X}anthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola and {X}. oryzae pv. oryzae, respectively. {R}esistance is triggered by pathogen-delivered transcription activator-like effectors ({TALE}s) independent of their ability to activate transcription and is suppressed by truncated variants called trunc{TALE}s, common among {A}sian strains. {B}y transformation of the susceptible variety {N}ipponbare, we show that one of 14 nucleotide-binding, leucine-rich repeat ({NLR}) protein genes at the locus, with a zinc finger {BED} domain, is the {X}o1 gene. {A}nalyses of published transcriptomes revealed that the {X}o1-mediated response is more similar to those mediated by two other {NLR} resistance genes than it is to the response associated with {TALE}-specific transcriptional activation of the executor resistance gene {X}a23 and that a trunc{TALE} dampens or abolishes activation of defense-associated genes by {X}o1. {I}n {N}icotiana benthamiana leaves, fluorescently tagged {X}o1 protein, like {TALE}s and trunc{TALE}s, localized to the nucleus. {A}nd endogenous {X}o1 specifically coimmunoprecipitated from rice leaves with a pathogen-delivered, epitope-tagged trunc{TALE}. {T}hese observations suggest that suppression of {X}o1-function by trunc{TALE}s occurs through direct or indirect physical interaction. {T}hey further suggest that effector coimmunoprecipitation may be effective for identifying or characterizing other resistance genes.}, keywords = {defense suppression ; effectors ; mass spectrometry ; nucleotide binding ; leucine-rich repeat ({NLR}) ; protein-protein interaction ; resistance ; genes ; transcription activator-like effector ({TALE}) ; trunc{TALE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}olecular {P}lant-{M}icrobe {I}nteractions}, volume = {33}, numero = {10}, pages = {1189--1195}, ISSN = {0894-0282}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1094/mpmi-05-20-0131-sc}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079810}, }