@article{fdi:010079808, title = {{C}ontribution of wave setup to projected coastal sea level changes}, author = {{M}elet, {A}. and {A}lmar, {R}afa{\¨e}l and {H}emer, {M}. and {L}e {C}ozannet, {G}. and {M}eyssignac, {B}. and {R}uggiero, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}long open coasts, wind waves are a key driver of coastal changes and can be major contributors to coastal hazards. {W}ind wave characteristics are projected to change in response to climate change, notably due to changes in atmospheric circulation patterns and the associated surface winds. {H}ere, a first-order estimate of projected 20-yr mean wave setup changes, excluding extreme events and subannual variability, is provided for sandy beaches along most of the world's coastline over the middle and end of the 21st century. {C}alculations are based on an ensemble of wave model projections under the representative concentration pathways ({RCP}) 8.5 and on empirical formulations for wave setup. {P}rojected wave setup changes are compared to other contributors currently accounted for in regional sea level projections to extend existing projections of 21st century coastal sea level changes. {P}rojected wave setup changes exhibit a clear spatial heterogeneity and mostly average out at global scale. {H}owever, at regional or local scale, wave setup changes are a small yet nonnegligible contributor to total coastal sea level 20-yr mean changes (which include global mean sea level rise, {GMSLR}) over the middle and end of the 21st century. {W}ave setup can be a substantial contributor to local departures of coastal sea level changes from {GMSLR}. {W}ave setup changes should therefore be included in projections of regional patterns of coastal sea level changes. {T}he reported long-term changes in wave setup also advocate for the inclusion of nonstationary wave contributions to projected regional patterns of coastal sea level changes, including for studies on extreme events.}, keywords = {sea level rise ; climate projection ; coastal ; wave setup ; wave runup}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch : {O}ceans}, volume = {125}, numero = {8}, pages = {e2020{JC}016078 [24 p.]}, ISSN = {2169-9275}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1029/2020jc016078}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079808}, }