@article{fdi:010079766, title = {{G}enome wide association study pinpoints key agronomic {QTL}s in {A}frican rice {O}ryza glaberrima}, author = {{C}ubry, {P}hilippe and {P}idon, {H}. and {T}a, {K}. {N}. and {D}ubreuil {T}ranchant, {C}hristine and {T}huillet, {A}nne-{C}{\'e}line and {H}olzinger, {M}. and {A}dam, {H}{\'e}l{\`e}ne and {K}am, {H}. and {C}hrestin, {H}arold and {G}hesqui{\`e}re, {A}lain and {F}rancois, {O}. and {S}abot, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {V}igouroux, {Y}ves and {A}lbar, {L}aurence and {J}ouannic, {S}tefan}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground {A}frican rice,{O}ryza glaberrima, is an invaluable resource for rice cultivation and for the improvement of biotic and abiotic resistance properties. {S}ince its domestication in the inner {N}iger delta ca. 2500 years {BP}, {A}frican rice has colonized a variety of ecologically and climatically diverse regions. {H}owever, little is known about the genetic basis of quantitative traits and adaptive variation of agricultural interest for this species. {R}esults {U}sing a reference set of 163 fully re-sequenced accessions, we report the results of a {G}enome {W}ide {A}ssociation {S}tudy carried out for {A}frican rice. {W}e investigated a diverse panel of traits, including flowering date, panicle architecture and resistance to{R}ice yellow mottle virus. {F}or this, we devised a pipeline using complementary statistical association methods. {F}irst, using flowering time as a target trait, we found several association peaks, one of which co-localised with a well described gene in the {A}sian rice flowering pathway,{O}s{G}i, and identified new genomic regions that would deserve more study. {T}hen we applied our pipeline to panicle- and resistance-related traits, highlighting some interesting genomic regions and candidate genes. {L}astly, using a high-resolution climate database, we performed an association analysis based on climatic variables, searching for genomic regions that might be involved in adaptation to climatic variations. {C}onclusion {O}ur results collectively provide insights into the extent to which adaptive variation is governed by sequence diversity within the{O}. glaberrimagenome, paving the way for in-depth studies of the genetic basis of traits of interest that might be useful to the rice breeding community.}, keywords = {{A}frican rice ; {G}enome wide association study ; {F}lowering time ; {P}anicle architecture ; {RYMV} ; {C}limate variation ; {AFRIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}ice}, volume = {13}, numero = {1}, pages = {66 [12 p.]}, ISSN = {1939-8425}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1186/s12284-020-00424-1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079766}, }