@article{fdi:010079731, title = {{S}trontium isotopes ({S}r-87/{S}r-86) reveal the life history of freshwater migratory fishes in the {L}a {P}lata {B}asin}, author = {{A}vigliano, {E}. and {P}ouilly, {M}arc and {B}ouchez, {J}. and {D}omanico, {A}. and {S}anchez, {S}. and {V}egh, {S}. {L}. and {C}lavijo, {C}. and {S}carabotti, {P}. and {F}acetti, {J}. {F}. and {C}affetti, {J}. {D}. and del {R}osso, {F}. {R}. and {P}echeyran, {C}. and {B}erail, {S}. and {V}olpedo, {A}. {V}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}trontium isotopes ({S}r-87/{S}r-86) were evaluated as a potential method for studying the geographical origin of populations and movements patterns of migratory fish from the {L}a {P}lata {B}asin ({P}arana, {U}ruguay and {B}ermejo {R}ivers and {R}io de la {P}lata {E}stuary, {S}outh {A}merica). {S}urface water samples were collected at 43 sites during austral summer and winter (2018) while, {S}urubi ({P}seudoplatystoma corruscans), {P}ati ({L}uciopimelodus pati),dorado ({S}alminus brasiliensis) and sabalo ({P}rochilodus lineatus) fishes were collected at seven locations. {W}ater {S}r-87/{S}r-86 ratio was analysed by {MC}-{ICP}-{MS} ({N}= 74) and otolith core-to-edge {S}r-87/{S}r-86 transects ({N}= 50) were measured by {LA}fs-{MC}-{ICP}-{MS}. {S}everal water bodies presented significantly different (p < 0.05) water {S}r-87/{S}r-86 values. {A} similar to 1:1 relationship was found between {S}r-87/{S}r-86 measured in edge otolith and water. {D}ata provide novel perspectives about migratory behaviour for all species, such as potential cross-border migrations between countries of more than 1,000 km recorded for{L}. pati, {S}. brasiliensis and {P}. lineatus. {T}hese species seem to move between the {P}arana and {U}ruguay rivers, which imply using the delta or the estuary as a corridor between them. {D}iscriminant analysis based on otolith core {S}r-87/{S}r-86 suggested that the four species studied originate in sub-basins different from those that were collected and revelled the presence of several potential spawning/nursery areas. {T}he otolith {S}r-87/{S}r-86 profiles also suggested movements between different environments such as reservoirs, large plain rivers, mountain streams, floodplain valleys and estuaries. {T}hese results show the potential of {S}r-87/{S}r-86 as a tool for tracking the life history of fishes, and depict for the first time a complex use of the {L}a {P}lata basin by the fishes, providing new information for management plans at the regional level.}, keywords = {freshwater fish ; habitat use ; hydrogeology ; migration ; natural tag ; otolith microchemistry ; {ARGENTINE} ; {BRESIL} ; {PARAGUAY} ; {URUGUAY} ; {BOLIVIE} ; {LA} {PLATA} {BASSIN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}iver {R}esearch and {A}pplications}, volume = {36}, numero = {10}, pages = {1985--2000}, ISSN = {1535-1459}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1002/rra.3727}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079731}, }