@article{fdi:010079705, title = {{L}ength-weight relationship of twelve mesopelagic fishes from the western {T}ropical {A}tlantic}, author = {{E}duardo, {L}. {N}. and {M}incarone, {M}. {M}. and {L}ucena-{F}redou, {F}. and {M}artins, {J}. {R}. and {A}fonso, {G}. {V}. {F}. and {V}illarins, {B}. {T}. and {F}redou, {T}. and {L}ira, {A}. {S}. and {B}ertrand, {A}rnaud}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{L}ength-weight relationship parameters were calculated for twelve mesopelagic fish species from the western {T}ropical {A}tlantic : {D}iretmus argenteus, {M}elamphaes polylepis, {B}olinichthys distofax, {D}iaphus lucidus, {D}iaphus splendidus, {E}lectrona risso, {H}ygophum taaningi, {T}aaningichthys bathyphilus, {M}elanolagus bericoides, {W}interia telescopa, {D}iplophos taenia, {A}stronesthes similus. {D}ata was collected off northeastern {B}razil from {A}pril 9th to {M}ay 6th, 2017. {H}auls were conducted during day and night at 47 stations by using a micronekton trawl (body mesh: 40 mm, cod-end mesh: 10 mm) from 10 to 1,113 m depth. {T}he material was fixed in a 4% formalin solution for 1 month and then preserved in a 70% alcohol solution for proximally 6 months before processing for length (nearest 0.1 cm of standard length) and weight (nearest 0.01 g of total weight). {A} new maximum standard length for {W}interia telescopa is also provided.}, keywords = {{B}razil ; deep-sea ; lanternfish ; oceanic islands ; seamounts ; {BRESIL} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE} ; {ATLANTIQUE} {OUEST}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {A}pplied {I}chthyology}, volume = {36}, numero = {6}, pages = {845--848}, ISSN = {0175-8659}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1111/jai.14084}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079705}, }