@article{fdi:010079665, title = {{R}esponse of blacktip reef sharks {C}archarhinus melanopterus to shark bite mitigation products}, author = {{T}hiele, {M}. and {M}ourier, {J}ohann and {P}apastamatiou, {Y}. and {B}allesta, {L}. and {C}hateauminois, {E}. and {H}uveneers, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{G}lobally, the frequency of shark bites is rising, resulting in an increasing demand for shark deterrents and measures to lessen the impact of shark bites on humans. {M}ost existing shark protection measures are designed to reduce the probability of a bite, but fabrics that minimise injuries when a shark bite occurs can also be used as mitigation devices. {H}ere, we assessed the ability of the {O}cean {G}uardian {S}cuba7 and {K}evlar material to reduce the likelihood of blacktip reef sharks, {C}archarhinus melanopterus, from feeding, and to minimise injuries from shark bites. {S}harks were enticed to consume a small piece of local reef fish (bait) placed between the two {S}cuba7 electrodes with the deterrents randomly being turned on or kept off. {I}n the second experiment, the bait was attached to a small pouch made of either standard neoprene or neoprene with a protective layer of {K}evlar around it. {T}he {S}cuba7 reduced the proportion of baits being taken by 67%, (from 100% during control trials to 33%). {S}harks also took more time to take the bait when the device was active (165 +/- 20.40 s vs. 38.9 +/- 3.35 s), approached at a greater distance (80.98 +/- 1.72 cm vs. 38.88 +/- 3.20 cm) and made a greater number of approaches per trial (19.38 +/- 2.29 vs. 3.62 +/- 0.53) than when the {S}cuba7 was inactive. {T}he sizes of punctures from shark bites were significantly smaller on neoprene with {K}evlar compared to standard neoprene (3.64 +/- 0.26 mm vs. 5.88 +/- 0.29 mm). {T}he number of punctures was also fewer when {K}evlar was used (14.92 +/- 3.16 vs. 74.1 +/- 12.44). {O}verall, the {O}cean {G}uardian {S}cuba7 and {K}evlar reduced the impact of blacktip reef shark bites. {T}hese findings may help consumers make informed decisions when purchasing shark deterring and protective products.}, keywords = {{POLYNESIE} {FRANCAISE} ; {TUAMOTU} {GAMBIER}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}cientific {R}eports - {N}ature}, volume = {10}, numero = {1}, pages = {3563 [12 ]}, ISSN = {2045-2322}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1038/s41598-020-60062-x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079665}, }