@article{fdi:010079644, title = {{J}oint inversion of coseismic and early postseismic slipto optimize the information content in geodetic data : application to the 2009 {M} w 6.3 {L}'{A}quila earthquake, central {I}taly}, author = {{R}agon, {T}. and {S}laden, {A}. and {B}letery, {Q}uentin and {V}ergnolle, {M}. and {C}avali{\'e}, {O}. and {A}vallone, {A}. and {B}alestra, {J}. and {D}elouis, {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}hen analyzing the rupture of a large earthquake, geodetic data are often critical. {T}hese data are generally characterized by either a good temporal or a good spatial resolution, but rarely both. {A}s a consequence, many studies analyze the coseismic rupture with data that also include one or more days of early postseismic deformation. {H}ere, we invert simultaneously for the coseismic and postseismic slip with the condition that the sum of the two models remains compatible with data covering the two slip episodes. {W}e validate the benefits of this approach with a toy model and an application to the 2009 {M} w 6.3 {L}'{A}quila earthquake, using a {B}ayesian approach and accounting for epistemic uncertainties. {F}or the {L}'{A}quila earthquake, we find that if early postseismic deformation is not an explicitly acknowledged coseismic signal, coseismic slip models may overestimate the peak amplitude while long-term postseismic models may largely underestimate the total postseismic slip amplitude. {T}his example illustrates how the proposed approach could improve our comprehension of the seismic cycle, fault frictional properties, and the spatial and temporal relationship between seismic rupture, afterslip, and aftershocks.}, keywords = {{ITALIE} ; {ABRUZZI}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch : {S}olid {E}arth}, volume = {124}, numero = {10}, pages = {10522--10543}, ISSN = {2169-9313}, year = {2019}, DOI = {10.1029/2018{JB}017053}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079644}, }