@article{fdi:010079586, title = {{I}n situ target strength measurement of the black triggerfish {M}elichthys niger and the ocean triggerfish {C}anthidermis sufflamen}, author = {{S}alvetat, {J}. and {L}ebourges {D}haussy, {A}nne and {T}ravassos, {P}. and {G}astauer, {S}. and {R}oudaut, {G}ildas and {V}argas, {G}. and {B}ertrand, {A}rnaud}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}riggerfish are widely distributed in tropical waters where they play an important ecological role. {T}he black triggerfish {M}elichthys niger may be the dominant species around oceanic tropical islands, whereas pelagic triggerfish, such as the ocean triggerfish {C}anthidermis sufflamen, can assemble around fish aggregating devices ({FAD}s) where they are a common bycatch of tuna fisheries. {I}n this study we combined acoustic and optical recordings to provide the first in situ target strength ({TS}) measurement of black and ocean triggerfish. {D}ata were collected in the {A}rchipelago of {F}ernando de {N}oronha off north-east {B}razil. {T}he mean {TS} of a 27.8-cm-long black triggerfish at 70 and 200 k{H}z was -39.3 d{B} re 1 m(2) ({CV} = 14.0%) and -38.9 d{B} re 1 m(2) ({CV} = 14.4%) respectively. {T}he mean {TS} values of ocean triggerfish (with a size range of 39-44 cm) at 70 and 200 k{H}z were -36.0 d{B} re 1 m(2) ({CV} = 15.7%) and -33.3 d{B} re 1 m(2) ({CV} = 14.0%) respectively. {T}his work opens up the field for acoustic biomass estimates. {I}n addition, we have shown that {TS} values for ocean triggerfish are within the same range as those of small tunas. {T}herefore, acoustic data transmitted from {FAD}s equipped with echosounders can introduce a bias in tuna acoustic biomass estimation and lead to increased rates of bycatch.}, keywords = {biomass estimation ; north-east {B}razil ; small tuna ; target ; strength-length relationships ; tropical ecosystem ; underwater acoustics ; underwater video ; {BRESIL} ; {ATLANTIQUE} ; {FERNANDO} {DE} {NORONHA} {ARCHIPEL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine and {F}reshwater {R}esearch}, volume = {71}, numero = {9}, pages = {1118--1127}, ISSN = {1323-1650}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1071/mf19153}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079586}, }