@article{fdi:010079554, title = {{D}ietary bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants in the common sole {S}olea solea in the context of global change. {P}art 1 : {R}evisiting parameterisation and calibration of a {DEB} model to consider inter-individual variability in experimental and natural conditions}, author = {{M}ounier, {F}. and {P}ecquerie, {L}aure and {L}obry, {J}. and {S}ardi, {A}. {E}. and {L}abadie, {P}. and {B}udzinski, {H}. and {L}oizeau, {V}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}tudying adverse effects of chemical pressure on aquatic ecosystems needs a comprehensive knowledge of bioaccumulation mechanisms of pollutants in biota to predict internal concentrations, especially for {P}ersistent {O}rganic {P}ollutants ({POP}s). {H}owever, the large variability of responses in measured {POP} concentrations requires explicit consideration of both individual variability and environmental influences. {D}ynamic {E}nergy {B}udget ({DEB}) theory provides a rigorous and generic conceptual framework for tackling these questions in a relevant mechanistic way. {I}n the present study, parameterisation and calibration of previous {DEB} models for {S}olea solea were revisited in order to accurately represent the full life cycle with an original emphasis on larval stage, metamorphosis, reproduction rules and sexual differences. {W}e first improved calibration thanks to the use of the estimation procedure developed by the {DEB} network coupled with a broad compilation of data from literature. {T}hen, we validated this set of parameter estimates on independent datasets of i) individual monitoring of larval growth in controlled food conditions from a novel experiment, and ii) juvenile and adult growth, and female fecundity, from a natural population. {F}inally, we combined the {DEB} model developed in the present paper with we used a simple toxicokinetic ({TK}) model from literature. {T}his {TK} model was also combined to a previous {DEB} model and was used to reproduce the mean trajectories of a growth and contamination dataset. {W}e applied the same {TK} model with our {DEB} model considering inter-individual variability in food availability. {T}his application highlighted the need to accurately consider inter-individual variability in ingestion to correctly estimate growth and contamination variability. {T}he present work is the first step in the development of a mechanistic {TK} model that will be used in a companion paper for investigations of juvenile sole sensitivity to warming, nursery quality and prey contamination, in highly fluctuating estuarine environments.}, keywords = {{DEB} parameter estimation ; full life cycle ; {S}olea solea ; {POP} bioaccumulation ; dietary contamination ; inter-individual variability}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}cological {M}odelling}, volume = {433}, numero = {}, pages = {109224 [14 p.]}, ISSN = {0304-3800}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2020.109224}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079554}, }