@article{fdi:010079533, title = {{R}ole of plants in the transmission of {A}saia sp., which potentially inhibit the {P}lasmodium sporogenic cycle in {A}nopheles mosquitoes}, author = {{B}assene, {H}. and {N}iang, {E}. {A}. and {F}enollar, {F}. and {D}oucoure, {S}. and {F}aye, {O}. and {R}aoult, {D}. and {S}okhna, {C}heikh and {M}ediannikov, {O}leg}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}iological control against malaria and its transmission is currently a considerable challenge. {P}lant-associated bacteria of the genus {A}saia are frequently found in nectarivorous arthropods, they thought to have a natural indirect action on the development of plasmodium in mosquitoes. {H}owever, virtually nothing is known about its natural cycle. {H}ere, we show the role of nectar-producing plants in the hosting and dissemination of {A}saia. {W}e isolated {A}saia strains from wild mosquitoes and flowers in {S}enegal and demonstrated the transmission of the bacteria from infected mosquitoes to sterile flowers and then to 26.6% of noninfected mosquitoes through nectar feeding. {T}hus, nectar-producing plants may naturally acquire {A}saia and then colonize {A}nopheles mosquitoes through food-borne contamination. {F}inally, {A}saia may play an indirect role in the reduction in the vectorial capacity of {A}nopheles mosquitoes in a natural environment (due to {P}lasmodium-antagonistic capacities of {A}saia) and be used in the development of tools for {A}saia-based paratransgenetic malaria control.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}cientific {R}eports - {N}ature}, volume = {10}, numero = {1}, pages = {7144 [10p.]}, ISSN = {2045-2322}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1038/s41598-020-64163-5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079533}, }