@article{fdi:010079403, title = {{M}olecular screening of {A}naplasmataceae in ticks collected from cattle in {C}orsica, {F}rance}, author = {{C}icculli, {V}. and {D}e{C}arreaux, {D}. and {A}yhan, {N}azli and {C}asabianca, {F}. and {L}amballerie, {X}. de and {C}harrel, {R}. and {F}alchi, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}acteria belonging to the family {A}naplasmataceae cause infections in humans and domestic animals. {T}he consequences of infection can be significant economic losses for farmers. {T}o better understand the epidemiology of tick-borne {A}naplasmataceae in {C}orsica, we used molecular methods to detect and characterize {A}naplasmataceae in ixodid ticks collected from cattle. {A}naplasmataceae were detected by using a real-time polymerase chain reaction ({PCR}) targeting the 23{S} r{RNA} gene. {P}artial sequencing ofrpo{B}and gro{EL}allowed identifying species and conducting phylogenetic analyses. {I}nfection rates were calculated using maximum likelihood estimation ({MLE}) with 95% confidence intervals ({CI}s). {I}n total, 597{R}hipicephalus bursa, 216{H}yalomma marginatum, and seven{I}xodes ricinuswere collected from cattle during {J}uly-{A}ugust 2017 and {J}uly-{D}ecember 2018. {O}verall, {A}naplasmataceae {DNA} was detected in 15 of 255 tick pools ({MLE} = 1.7%; 95% {CI} 0.9-2.7%). {T}he molecular analysis revealed two species within the genus{A}naplasma:{A}. marginaleand{A}. phagocytophilum. {W}e also detected bacteria within the genus{E}hrlichia: we confirmed the detection of{E}. minasensis{DNA} in{H}. marginatumand{R}. bursatick pools collected from cattle in {C}orsica and detected, for the first time to our knowledge,{C}andidatus{E}. urmitei in {C}orsican{R}. bursaticks and a potential new species,{C}andidatus{E}. corsicanum. {F}urther studies are needed to ascertain the pathogenesis and zoonotic potential of the strains and their importance for animals and public health.}, keywords = {{A}naplasmataceae ; {C}attle ; {T}icks ; {C}orsica ; {E}hrlichia ; {A}naplasma ; {FRANCE} ; {CORSE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}xperimental and {A}pplied {A}carology}, volume = {81}, numero = {4}, pages = {561--574}, ISSN = {0168-8162}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1007/s10493-020-00527-w}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079403}, }