@article{fdi:010079380, title = {{S}tructural and functional annotation of transposable elements revealed a potential regulation of genes involved in rubber biosynthesis by {TE}-derived si{RNA} interference in {H}evea brasiliensis}, author = {{W}u, {S}. {Y}. and {G}uyot, {R}omain and {B}ocs, {S}. and {D}roc, {G}. and {O}ktavia, {F}. and {H}u, {S}. {N}. and {T}ang, {C}. {R}. and {M}ontoro, {P}. and {L}eclercq, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he natural rubber biosynthetic pathway is well described in{H}evea, although the final stages of rubber elongation are still poorly understood. {S}mall {R}ubber {P}article {P}roteins and {R}ubber {E}longation {F}actors ({SRPP}s and {REF}s) are proteins with major function in rubber particle formation and stabilization. {T}heir corresponding genes are clustered on a scaffold1222 of the reference genomic sequence of the{H}evea brasiliensisgenome. {A}part from gene expression by transcriptomic analyses, to date, no deep analyses have been carried out for the genomic environment of{SRPP}sand{REF}sloci. {B}y integrative analyses on transposable element annotation, small {RNA}s production and gene expression, we analysed their role in the control of the transcription of rubber biosynthetic genes. {T}he first in-depth annotation of {TE}s ({T}ransposable {E}lements) and their capacity to produce {TE}-derived si{RNA}s (small interfering {RNA}s) is presented, only possible in the{H}evea brasiliensisclone {PB} 260 for which all data are available. {W}e observed that 11% of genes are located near {TE}s and their presence may interfere in their transcription at both genetic and epigenetic level. {W}e hypothesized that the genomic environment of rubber biosynthesis genes has been shaped by {TE} and {TE}-derived si{RNA}s with possible transcriptional interference on their gene expression. {W}e discussed possible functionalization of {TE}s as enhancers and as donors of alternative transcription start sites in promoter sequences, possibly through the modelling of genetic and epigenetic landscapes.}, keywords = {transposable elements ; si{RNA} ; rubber tree ; transcriptional regulation ; epigenomics}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {M}olecular {S}ciences}, volume = {21}, numero = {12}, pages = {4220 [21 ]}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.3390/ijms21124220}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079380}, }