@article{fdi:010079342, title = {{T}he impact of daily soap use in rural areas of {S}enegal on respiratory infectious diseases, fevers and skin microbiota}, author = {{N}diaye, {C}. and {B}assene, {H}. and {D}iatta, {G}eorges and {D}iagne, {N}. and {P}arola, {P}. and {L}agier, {J}. {C}. and {S}okhna, {C}heikh and {R}aoult, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}bjectives: {C}hildren aged <5 years are the group most affected by infectious diseases, more specifically in underdeveloped countries. {A} study was performed to assess the effects of daily soap use on the incidence of diarrhoea, fever, respiratory infection, and the prevalence of pathogenic bacteria on the skin. {M}ethods: {S}oap was distributed to the population of the village of {N}diop (test) for use in their daily hygiene but not to the population of the village of {D}ielmo (control). {F}ieldworkers daily recorded the clinical events in the two villages and encouraged the use of soap in {N}diop. {R}esults: {A} total of 638 people participated in the study. {T}he incidence rates of cough, runny nose and fever significantly decreased in 2016 compared with 2015, unlike that of diarrhoea. {I}n 2016, significant reductions in the incidence rates of cough, runny nose and fever were observed in children aged <15 years in {N}diop. {T}he prevalence of {S}treptococcus pneumoniae, {S}taphylococcus aureus and {S}treptococcus pyogenes in the palms of the hands significantly dropped in {N}diop. {C}onclusion: {U}sing soap reduces the incidence of respiratory infections, fevers and the prevalence of pathogenic bacteria on the skin. {H}owever, for diarrhoea, additional strategies are needed to improve outcomes.}, keywords = {{S}oap ; {H}ygiene ; {I}nfectious diseases ; {S}enegal ; {SENEGAL} ; {DIELMO} ; {NDIOP}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {I}nfectious {D}iseases}, volume = {96}, numero = {}, pages = {408--415}, ISSN = {1201-9712}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ijid.2020.04.076}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079342}, }