@article{fdi:010079190, title = {{T}he {G}old {B}oom in {S}udan : challenges and opportunities for national players}, author = {{C}hevrillon-{G}uibert, {R}aphaelle}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he loss of oil revenues from {S}outh {S}udan, which became independent in 2011, together with the global decline in oil prices, plunged {S}udan into a dramatic economic crisis. {I}n the 2000s, the concomitant increase in the prices of minerals, particularly of gold, led to a renewed interest in mining on the part of the {K}hartoum regime. {T}his article details the strategies deployed by the {S}udanese government to turn mining activities into a lifeline, in particular by encouraging the development of industrial production and reorganizing the gold trade sector. {T}o highlight the implications of these new economic policies on power relations between {S}tate and society, as well as relationships between the different regions of the country, my study also analyses how different economic players have responded to the new opportunities and constraints created. {I}t is based on fieldwork conducted in {K}hartoum and {N}ile {V}alley {S}tate in {A}pril 2014, {J}une 2015, {A}pril and {N}ovember 2016.}, keywords = {{SOUDAN} ; {KHARTOUM} ; {DARFOUR} ; {KORDOFAN} {REGION}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}evue {I}nternationale de {P}olitique de {D}{\'e}veloppement = {I}nternational {D}evelopment {P}olicy}, volume = {7.1}, numero = {}, pages = {17 [en ligne]}, ISSN = {1663-9375}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.4000/poldev.2258}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079190}, }