@article{fdi:010079158, title = {{H}igh-quality genome sequence of white lupin provides insight into soil exploration and seed quality}, author = {{H}ufnagel, {B}. and {M}arques, {A}. and {S}oriano, {A}. and {M}arques, {L}. and {D}ivol, {F}. and {D}oumas, {P}. and {S}allet, {E}. and {M}ancinotti, {D}. and {C}arrere, {S}. and {M}arande, {W}. and {A}rribat, {S}. and {K}eller, {J}. and {H}uneau, {C}. and {B}lein, {T}. and {A}ime, {D}. and {L}aguerre, {M}. and {T}aylor, {J}. and {S}chubert, {V}. and {N}elson, {M}. and {G}eu-{F}lores, {F}. and {C}respi, {M}. and {G}allardo, {K}. and {D}elaux, {P}. {M}. and {S}alse, {J}. and {B}erges, {H}. and {G}uyot, {R}omain and {G}ouzy, {J}. and {P}eret, {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}hite lupin ({L}upinus albus {L}.) is an annual crop cultivated for its protein-rich seeds. {I}t is adapted to poor soils due to the production of cluster roots, which are made of dozens of determinate lateral roots that drastically improve soil exploration and nutrient acquisition (mostly phosphate). {U}sing long-read sequencing technologies, we provide a high-quality genome sequence of a cultivated accession of white lupin (2n=50, 451{M}b), as well as de novo assemblies of a landrace and a wild relative. {W}e describe a modern accession displaying increased soil exploration capacity through early establishment of lateral and cluster roots. {W}e also show how seed quality may have been impacted by domestication in term of protein profiles and alkaloid content. {T}he availability of a high-quality genome assembly together with companion genomic and transcriptomic resources will enable the development of modern breeding strategies to increase and stabilize white lupin yield. {W}hite lupin is an annual crop cultivated for protein rich seeds and can produce cluster roots for efficient phosphate acquisition. {H}ere, the authors generate high quality genome assemblies of a cultivated accession, a landrace, and a wild relative and provides insight into soil exploration and seed quality.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{N}ature {C}ommunications}, volume = {11}, numero = {1}, pages = {art. 492 [12 p.]}, ISSN = {2041-1723}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1038/s41467-019-14197-9}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079158}, }