@article{fdi:010079130, title = {{H}ighly efficient vertical transmission for {Z}ika virus in {A}edes aegypti after long extrinsic incubation time}, author = {{M}anuel, {M}. and {M}iss{\'e}, {D}oroth{\'e}e and {P}ompon, {J}ulien}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}hile the {Z}ika virus ({ZIKV}) 2014-2017 pandemic has subsided, there remains active transmission. {A}part from horizontal transmission to humans, the main vector {A}edes aegypti can transmit the virus vertically from mother to offspring. {L}arge variation in vertical transmission ({VT}) efficiency between studies indicates the influence of parameters, which remain to be characterized. {T}o determine the roles of extrinsic incubation time and gonotrophic cycle, we deployed an experimental design that quantifies {ZIKV} in individual progeny and larvae. {W}e observed an early infection of ovaries that exponentially progressed. {W}e quantified {VT} rate, filial infection rate, and viral load per infected larvae at 10 days post oral infection (d.p.i.) on the second gonotrophic cycle and at 17 d.p.i. on the second and third gonotrophic cycle. {A}s compared to previous reports that studied pooled samples, we detected a relatively high {VT} efficiency from 1.79% at 10 d.p.i. and second gonotrophic cycle to 66% at 17 d.p.i. and second gonotrophic cycle. {A}t 17 d.p.i., viral load largely varied and averaged around 800 genomic {RNA} (g{RNA}) copies. {L}onger incubation time and fewer gonotrophic cycles promoted {VT}. {T}hese results shed light on the mechanism of {VT}, how environmental conditions favor {VT}, and whether {VT} can maintain {ZIKV} circulation.}, keywords = {{Z}ika virus ; {A}edes aegypti ; vertical transmission}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}athogens}, volume = {9}, numero = {5}, pages = {art. 366 [12 ]}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.3390/pathogens9050366}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079130}, }