@article{fdi:010079128, title = {{D}etection of {DNA} of filariae closely related to {M}ansonella perstansin faecal samples from wild non-human primates from {C}ameroon and {G}abon}, author = {{G}aillard, {C}. {M}. and {P}ion, {S}{\'e}bastien and {H}amou, {H}. and {S}irima, {C}. and {B}izet, {C}harlotte and {L}emarcis, {T}homas and {R}odrigues, {J}. and {E}steban, {A}mandine and {P}eeters, {M}artine and {N}gole, {E}. {M}. and {M}ombo, {I}. and {L}i{\'e}geois, {F}lorian and {M}artin, {C}. and {B}oussinesq, {M}ichel and {L}ocatelli, {S}abrina}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground {T}he {O}nchocercidae is a family of filarial nematodes with several species of medical or veterinary importance. {M}icrofilariae are found in the blood and/or the dermis and are usually diagnosed in humans by microscopy examination of a blood sample or skin biopsy. {T}he main objectives of this study were to evaluate whether filariae {DNA} can be detected in faecal samples of wild non-human primates ({NHP}s), whether the detected parasites were closely related to those infecting humans and whether filarial {DNA} detection in faeces is associated with co-infections with nematodes ({O}esophagostumumsp. and{N}ecator sp.) known to cause blood loss while feeding on the host intestinal mucosa. {M}ethods {A} total of 315 faecal samples from 6 species of {NHP}s from {C}ameroon and {G}abon were analysed. {PCR}s targeted {DNA} fragments ofcox1 and12{S}r{DNA} genes, to detect the presence of filariae, and the internal transcribed spacer 2 ({ITS}2), to detect the presence of{O}esophagostomumsp. and{N}ecatorsp. infections. {R}esults {A}mong the 315 samples analysed, 121 produced sequences with > 90% homology with {O}nchocercidae reference sequences. {H}owever, 63% of the12{S}r{DNA} and 78% of thecox1 gene sequences were exploitable for phylogenetic analyses and the amplification of the12{S}r{DNA} gene showed less discriminating power than the amplification of thecox1 fragment. {P}hylogenetic analyses showed that thecox1 sequences obtained from five chimpanzee {DNA} faecal samples from {G}abon and two from {C}ameroon cluster together with{M}ansonella perstanswith high bootstrap support. {M}ost of the remaining sequences clustered together within the genus{M}ansonella, but the species could not be resolved. {A}mong the {NHP} species investigated, a significant association between filarial {DNA} detection and{O}esophagostomumsp. and{N}ecatorsp. infection was observed only in gorillas. {C}onclusions {T}o our knowledge, this is the first study reporting {DNA} from{M}ansonellaspp. in faecal samples. {O}ur results raise questions about the diversity and abundance of these parasites in wildlife, their role as sylvatic reservoirs and their potential for zoonotic transmission. {F}uture studies should focus on detecting variants circulating in both human and {NHP}s, and improve the molecular information to resolve or support taxonomy classification based on morphological descriptions.}, keywords = {{M}ansonella spp. ; {A}nthropoids ; {P}hylogeny ; {A}frica ; {F}aeces ; {G}astro-intestinal worms ; {Z}oonosis ; {CAMEROUN} ; {GABON}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}arasites and {V}ectors}, volume = {13}, numero = {1}, pages = {art. 313 [13 ]}, ISSN = {1756-3305}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1186/s13071-020-04184-1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079128}, }