@article{fdi:010079124, title = {{V}irotia azurea ({P}roteaceae : {M}acadamieae), a striking new species endemic to {N}ew {C}aledonia and notes on {V}. francii and {V}. leptophylla}, author = {{H}opkins, {H}. {C}. {F}. and {P}illon, {Y}ohan}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{V}irotia azurea {H}.{C}. {H}opkins & {P}illon ({P}roteaceae), the seventh species in the endemic genus {V}irotia {L}.{A}.{S}. {J}ohnson & {B}.{G}. {B}riggs from {N}ew {C}aledonia is described and illustrated. {A} distribution map and preliminary conservation assessment are provided. {T}his new species occurs principally on non-ultramafic substrates in a restricted area of central {G}rande {T}erre. {I}t has relatively long narrow leaves, often with distally undulate-sinuate or bluntly toothed margins and a pointed apex, plus blue flowers and laterally flattened, markedly beaked fruits containing seeds with blue to mauve cotyledons. {I}ts characters are compared with those of other species of {V}irotia and a key to species is provided. {A} handful of specimens previously identified as {V}irotia francii ({G}uillaumin) {P}.{H}. {W}eston &{A}.{R}. {M}ast are determinated mostly as {V}irotia leptophylla ({G}uillaumin) {L}.{A}.{S}. {J}ohnson & {B}.{G}. {B}riggs and other species; the former is now confined to ultramafic substrates in southern {G}rande {T}erre and the latter is more widespread, principally occurring on non-ultramafic substrates though occasionally found on ultramafic ones in the south of the island as well.}, keywords = {{PROTEACEAE} ; {V}irotia ; {N}ew {C}aledonia ; {N}ew {S}pecies ; {T}axonomy ; {M}anganese ; {S}erpentine flora ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}andollea}, volume = {75}, numero = {1}, pages = {89--98}, ISSN = {0373-2967}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.15553/c2020v751a9}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079124}, }