@article{fdi:010079122, title = {{E}valuation of loopamp assay for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in {C}ambodia}, author = {{C}heng, {S}. and {P}heng, {S}. {H}. and {S}eiha, {H}. and {M}arks, {G}. {B}. and {B}anuls, {A}nne-{L}aure and {M}ao, {T}. {E}. and {K}erleguer, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {L}oopamp ({TM}) {MTBC} kit ({TB}-{LAMP}) is recommended by {WHO} for {M}ycobacterium tuberculosis complex detection in low-income countries with a still low drug-resistant tuberculosis ({TB}) rate. {T}his study is aimed at testing its feasibility in {C}ambodia on sputa collected from presumptive tuberculosis patients. 499 samples were tested at a smear microscopy center and 200 at a central-level mycobacteriology laboratory. {U}sing mycobacterial cultures as reference, {TB}-{LAMP} results were compared with those of {LED} fluorescent microscopy ({LED}-{FM}) and {X}pert ({R}) {MTB}/{RIF}. {A}t the microscopy center, {TB}-{LAMP} sensitivity was higher than that of {LED}-{FM} (81.5% [95% {CI}, 74.5-87.6] versus 69.4% [95% {CI}, 62.2-76.6]), but lower than that of the {X}pert assay (95.5% [95% {CI} 92.3-98.8]). {A}t the central-level laboratory, {TB}-{LAMP} sensitivity (92.8% [95% {CI}, 87.6-97.9]) was comparable to that of {X}pert (90.7% [95% {CI}, 85.0-96.5]) using stored sample. {N}o significant difference in terms of specificity between {TB}-{LAMP} and {X}pert assays was observed in both study sites. {I}n conclusion, our data demonstrate that {TB}-{LAMP} could be implemented at microscopy centers in {C}ambodia to detect {TB} patients. {I}n addition, {TB}-{LAMP} can be a better choice to replace smear microscopy for rapid {TB} diagnosis of new presumptive {TB} patients, in settings with relative low prevalence of drug-resistant {TB} and difficulties to implement {X}pert assay.}, keywords = {{CAMBODGE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}iomed {R}esearch {I}nternational}, volume = {2020}, numero = {}, pages = {6828043 [7 ]}, ISSN = {2314-6133}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1155/2020/6828043}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079122}, }