@article{fdi:010079114, title = {{P}redation shapes the impact of cancer on population dynamics and the evolution of cancer resistance}, author = {{P}erret, {C}. and {G}idoin, {C}. and {U}jvari, {B}. and {T}homas, {F}. and {R}oche, {B}enjamin}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}ancer is a widespread disease that affects most of the metazoans. {H}owever, cancer development is a slow process and, long before causing the death of the individual, may weaken organisms' capacities and impair their interactions with other species. {Y}et, the impact of cancer development on biotic interactions, and over the dynamics of the whole ecosystem, is still largely unexplored. {A}s well, the feedback of altered biotic interactions on the evolution of resistance against cancer in the context of community ecology has not been investigated. {F}rom this new perspective, we theoretically investigate how cancer can challenge expected interaction outcomes in a predator-prey model system, and how, in return, these altered interaction outcomes could affect evolution of resistance mechanism against cancer. {F}irst, we demonstrate a clear difference between prey and predator vulnerability to cancer, with cancer having a limited impact on prey populations. {S}econd, we show that biotic interactions can surprisingly lead to a null or positive effect of cancer on population densities. {F}inally, our evolutionary analysis sheds light on how biotic interactions can lead to diverse resistance levels in predator populations. {W}hile its role in ecosystems is mostly unknown, we demonstrate that cancer in wildlife is an important ecological and evolutionary force to consider.}, keywords = {cancer ; cancer resistance ; evolution ; population dynamics ; prey-predator}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}volutionary {A}pplications}, volume = {13}, numero = {7}, pages = {1733--1744}, ISSN = {1752-4571}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1111/eva.12951}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079114}, }