@article{fdi:010079098, title = {{T}he mosquitoes of {A}rmenia : review of knowledge and results of a field survey with first report of {A}edes albopictus}, author = {{P}aronyan, {L}. and {B}abayan, {L}. and {M}anucharyan, {A}. and {M}anukyan, {D}. and {V}ardanyan, {H}. and {M}elik-{A}ndrasyan, {G}. and {S}chaffner, {F}. and {R}obert, {V}incent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {I}n 2016, a field study was implemented in all {A}rmenian provinces in order to update knowledge on the presence and distribution of both native and invasive mosquito species. {L}arvae and adult mosquitoes were sampled and identified on the basis of their morphology. {S}upplementary field surveys were performed in 2017-2018. {R}esults: {B}etween {J}une 20 and {J}uly 12, 2016, 117 localities were visited. {A} total number of 197 sampling units were checked, of which 143 (73%) were positive for mosquitoes (with 1-6 species per sampling unit). {A} total number of 4157 mosquito specimens were identified to species or species complex level. {T}en species represent first records for {A}rmenia: {A}edes albopictus, {A}e. annulipes, {A}e. cataphylla, {A}e. cinereus/geminus (probably {A}e. cinereus), {A}e. flavescens, {A}nopheles plumbeus, {C}oquillettidia richiardii, {C}ulex martinii, {C}x. torrentium and {C}uliseta subochrea. {T}he invasive species {A}e. albopictus was recorded in a single locality ({B}agratashen) at the border point with {G}eorgia, along the main road {T}bilisi-{Y}erevan. {T}his species was further recorded in 2017 and 2018, demonstrating its establishment and spread in north {A}rmenia. {T}hese surveys confirm the presence of vectors of malaria parasites (in particular {A}n. sacharovi) and {W}est {N}ile virus ({C}x. pipiens). {C}onclusion: {T}he knowledge of the {A}rmenian mosquito fauna is extended to a list of 28 species. {T}he record of {A}edes albopictus, an important potential vector of many arboviruses, has important implications for public health.}, keywords = {{B}iodiversity ; {C}ulicidae ; {I}nvasive species ; {V}ector ; {M}alaria ; {A}rbovirus ; {ARMENIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}arasite}, volume = {27}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 42 [10 p.]}, ISSN = {1252-607{X}}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1051/parasite/2020039}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079098}, }