@article{fdi:010079095, title = {{D}istinct and combined impacts of climate and land use scenarios on water availability and sediment loads for a water supply reservoir in northern {M}orocco [+ {C}orrigendum 2021, 9, 166]}, author = {{C}houkri, {F}. and {R}aclot, {D}amien and {N}aimi, {M}. and {C}hikhaoui, {M}. and {N}unes, {J}. {P}. and {H}uard, {F}. and {H}erivaux, {C}. and {S}abir, {M}. and {P}{\'e}pin, {Y}annick}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he objective of this study was to examine the impacts of climate and land use changes on water availability and sediment loads for a water supply reservoir in northern {M}orocco using data-intensive simulation models in a data-scarce region. {I}mpacts were assessed by comparing the simulated water and sediment entering the reservoir between the future period 2031-2050 and the 1983-2010 reference period. {T}hree scenarios of land use change and two scenarios of climate change were developed in the {T}leta watershed. {S}imulations under current and future conditions were performed using the {S}oil and {W}ater {A}ssessment {T}ool ({SWAT}) model. {T}he simulations showed that climate change will lead to a significant decrease in the annual water supply to the reservoir (-16.9% and -27.5%) and in the annual volume of sediment entering the reservoir (-7.4% and -12.6%), depending on the climate change scenarios tested. {T}he three scenarios of land use change will lead to a moderate change in annual water inflow into the reservoir (between -6.7% and -6.2%), while causing a significant decrease in sediment entering the reservoir (-37% to -24%). {T}he combined impacts of climate and land use changes will cause a reduction in annual water availability (-9.9% to -33.3%) and sediment supplies (-28.7% to -45.8%). {A}s a result, the lifetime of the reservoir will be extended, but at the same time, the risk of water shortages will increase, especially from {J}uly to {M}arch. {T}herefore, alternative water resources must be considered.}, keywords = {{C}limate change ; {L}and use change ; {SWAT} ; {R}unoff ; {R}eservoir management ; {M}orocco ; {MAROC}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {S}oil and {W}ater {C}onservation {R}esearch}, volume = {8}, numero = {2}, pages = {141--153 [+ {C}orrigendum 2021, 9, 166]}, ISSN = {2095-6339}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1016/j.iswcr.2020.03.003}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079095}, }