@article{fdi:010079033, title = {{D}iversity, ecology, biogeography, and evolution of the prevalent brown algal genus {L}obophora in the {G}reater {C}aribbean {S}ea, including the description of five new species}, author = {{V}ieira, {C}. and {M}orrow, {K}. and {D}'{H}ondt, {S}. and {C}amacho, {O}. and {E}ngelen, {A}. {H}. and {P}ayri, {C}laude and {D}e {C}lerck, {O}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}istributed in tropical and warm-temperate waters worldwide, {L}obophora species are found across the {G}reater {C}aribbean (i.e., {C}aribbean sensu stricto, {G}ulf of {M}exico, {F}lorida, the {B}ahamas, and {B}ermuda). {W}e presently discuss the diversity, ecology, biogeography, and evolution of the {G}reater {C}aribbean {L}obophora species based on previous studies and an extensive number of samples collected across the eastern, southern, and to a lesser extent western {C}aribbean. {A} total of 18 {L}obophora species are now documented from the {G}reater {C}aribbean, of which five are newly described ({L}. agardhii sp. nov., {L}. dickiei sp. nov., {L}. lamourouxii sp. nov., {L}. richardii sp. nov., and {L}. setchellii sp. nov.). {W}ithin the {G}reater {C}aribbean, the eastern {C}aribbean and the {C}entral {P}rovince are the most diverse ecoregion and province (16 spp.), respectively. {O}bserved distribution patterns indicate that {L}obophora species from the {G}reater {C}aribbean have climate affinities (i.e., warm-temperate vs. tropical affinities). {I}n total, 11 {L}obophora species exclusively occur in the {G}reater {C}aribbean; six are present in the western {A}tlantic; two in the {I}ndo-{P}acific; and one in the eastern {P}acific. {B}iogeographic analyses support that no speciation occurred across the {I}sthmus of {P}anama, and that the {G}reater {C}aribbean acted as a recipient region for species from the {I}ndo-{P}acific and as a region of diversification as well as a donor region to the {N}orth-eastern {A}tlantic. {T}he {G}reater {C}aribbean is not an evolutionary dead end for {L}obophora, but instead generates and exports diversity. {P}resent results illustrate how sampling based on {DNA} identification is reshaping biogeographic patterns, as we know them.}, keywords = {cox3 ; eastern {C}aribbean ; {G}reater {C}aribbean ; {L}obophora ; molecular taxonomy ; western {C}aribbean ; {GRANDES} {ANTILLES} ; {CARAIBE} {MER}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {P}hycology}, volume = {56}, numero = {3}, pages = {592--607}, ISSN = {0022-3646}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1111/jpy.12986}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079033}, }