@article{fdi:010079032, title = {{H}ow to efficiently determine the size at maturity of small-sized tropical fishes : a case study based on 144 species identified via {DNA} barcoding from southwestern {M}adagascar}, author = {{R}aharinaivo, {L}. {R}. and {J}aonalison, {H}. and {M}ahafina, {J}. and {P}onton, {D}ominique}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n order to provide biological evidence of the real impact of mosquito seine nets in southwestern {M}adagascar, an efficient procedure for determining the size at maturity of small-sized tropical fishes was developed. {T}he fishes caught by two small-scale fishermen were studied between {O}ctober 2017 and {A}pril 2018. {O}ne catch per day was analyzed three days per month during the full-moon period. {I}n the laboratory, fishes were all sorted by morphospecies, photographed and measured. {O}ne individual per morphospecies was selected for being identified using {CO}1 {DNA} barcoding. {A} total of 34,051 individual fishes belonging to 144 {DNA} bacoded species from 48 families was obtained from 42 samples, 467 individuals from 22 morphospecies that had not been successfully barcoded were excluded from the analyses. {T}he macroscopic observations of 8,143 individuals between 0.7 and 10 cm {SL} indicated the proportion of individuals with clearly observable gonads was 15% only.{A}mong the 144 species identified via {DNA} barcoding, 83 consisted of individuals that were all without clearly observable gonads, seven of individuals that were all with clearly observable gonads and 54 included of individuals with and without clearly observable gonads. {A}s the determination of {L}-50 using logistic general linear models failed for most species, the minimum size at maturity was retained to determine the proportion of juveniles and adults for these 54 species. {C}ompared to the data available in {F}ish{B}ase, the minimum size at maturity appears more adequate to discrimine juvenile from adult fish of small-sized tropical species.}, keywords = {fish juveniles ; mosquito seine net ; small-scale fishery ; tropical seagrass ; {MADAGASCAR} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {A}pplied {I}chthyology}, volume = {36}, numero = {4}, pages = {402--413}, ISSN = {0175-8659}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1111/jai.14046}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079032}, }