@article{fdi:010079031, title = {{B}iodegradation of fluoroquinolone antibiotics and the climbazole fungicide by {T}richoderma species}, author = {{M}anasfi, {R}. and {C}hiron, {S}erge and {M}ontemurro, {N}. and {P}erez, {S}. and {B}rienza, {M}onica}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}ilamentous fungi {T}richoderma have been able to efficiently degrade fluoroquinolone antibiotics namely ciprofloxacin ({CIP}) and ofloxacin ({OFL}) as well as the fungicide climbazole ({CLB}) that are persistent in conventional activated sludge processes. {A}ll targeted compounds were biotransformed by whole cells of {T}richoderma spp., exactly {T}. harzanium and {T}. asperellum, and biosorption played a limited role in their elimination. {H}owever, contrasting results were obtained with the two strains. {T}. asperellum was more efficient against {CIP}, with a 81% degradation rate in 13 days of incubation, while {T}. harzianum was more efficient against {CLB}, with a 91% degradation rate. {W}hile in the case of {OFL}, both strains showed same efficiency with degradation rate around 40%. {A}dding a cytochrome {P}450 enzyme inhibitor hardly resulted in the modification of degradation kinetics supporting the implication of extracellular enzymes in chemical biotransformation. {T}ransformation products were identified by liquid chromatography-high resolution-mass spectrometry and transformation pathways were proposed. {B}iotransformation of selected compounds included hydroxylation, oxidation/reduction and {N}- and {O}-dealkylation reactions, similarly to those reported with white rot fungi. {CIP} underwent transformations at the piperazinyl ring through oxidation and conjugation reactions, while {OFL} mainly underwent hydroxylation processes and {CLB} carbonyl reduction into alcohol. {C}onsequently, {T}richoderma spp. likely possess a machinery of unspecific enzymes, which makes their application in removal of pharmaceutical and personal care products attractive.}, keywords = {{T}richoderma ; {B}iodegradation ; {T}ransformation products ; {C}limbazole ; {F}luoroquinolone}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {S}cience and {P}ollution {R}esearch}, volume = {27}, numero = {18}, pages = {23331--23341}, ISSN = {0944-1344}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1007/s11356-020-08442-8}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079031}, }