@article{fdi:010079027, title = {{A} mapping review on urban landscape factors of dengue retrieved from earth observation data, {GIS} techniques, and survey questionnaires}, author = {{M}arti, {R}enaud and {L}i, {Z}. {C}. and {C}atry, {T}hibault and {R}oux, {E}mmanuel and {M}angeas, {M}organ and {H}andschumacher, {P}ascal and {G}audart, {J}. and {T}ran, {A}. and {D}emagistri, {L}aurent and {F}aure, {J}ean-{F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {C}arvajal, {J}. {J}. and {D}rumond, {B}. and {X}u, {L}. and {H}erbreteau, {V}incent and {G}urgel, {H}. and {D}essay, {N}adine and {G}ong, {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}o date, there is no effective treatment to cure dengue fever, a mosquito-borne disease which has a major impact on human populations in tropical and sub-tropical regions. {A}lthough the characteristics of dengue infection are well known, factors associated with landscape are highly scale dependent in time and space, and therefore difficult to monitor. {W}e propose here a mapping review based on 78 articles that study the relationships between landscape factors and urban dengue cases considering household, neighborhood and administrative levels. {L}andscape factors were retrieved from survey questionnaires, {G}eographic {I}nformation {S}ystems ({GIS}), and remote sensing ({RS}) techniques. {W}e structured these into groups composed of land cover, land use, and housing type and characteristics, as well as subgroups referring to construction material, urban typology, and infrastructure level. {W}e mapped the co-occurrence networks associated with these factors, and analyzed their relevance according to a three-valued interpretation (positive, negative, non significant). {F}rom a methodological perspective, coupling {RS} and {GIS} techniques with field surveys including entomological observations should be systematically considered, as none digital land use or land cover variables appears to be an univocal determinant of dengue occurrences. {R}emote sensing urban mapping is however of interest to provide a geographical frame to distribute human population and movement in relation to their activities in the city, and as spatialized input variables for epidemiological and entomological models.}, keywords = {{D}engue ; {U}rban landscape ; environment ; remote sensing ; interdisciplinary ; {MONDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}emote {S}ensing}, volume = {12}, numero = {6}, pages = {art. 932 [82 ]}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.3390/rs12060932}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079027}, }