@article{fdi:010079000, title = {{G} x {E} interactions on yield and quality in {C}offea arabica : new {F}1 hybrids outperform {A}merican cultivars}, author = {{M}arie, {L}. and {A}bdallah, {C}{\'e}cile and {C}ampa, {C}laudine and {C}ourtel, {P}. and {B}ordeaux, {M}. and {N}avarini, {L}. and {L}onzarich, {V}. and {B}osselmann, {A}. {S}. and {T}urreira-{G}arcia, {N}. and {A}lpizar, {E}. and {G}eorget, {F}. and {B}reitler, {J}. {C}. and {E}tienne, {H}. and {B}ertrand, {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}onventional {A}merican cultivars of coffee are no longer adapted to global warming. {F}inding highly productive and stable cultivars in different environments without neglecting quality characteristics has become a priority for breeders. {I}n this study, new {A}rabica {F}1 hybrids clones were compared to conventional {A}merican varieties in seven contrasting environments, for yield, rust incidence and volume of the canopy. {T}he quality was assessed through size, weight of 100 beans, biochemical analysis (24 aroma precursors and 31 volatiles compounds) and sensory analysis. {C}onventional varieties were the least productive, producing 50% less than the best hybrid. {T}he {AMMI} model analysis pointed out five hybrids as the most stable and productive. {T}wo {F}1 hybrids clones, {H}1-{C}entroamericano and {H}16-{M}undo {M}aya, were superior to the most planted {A}merican cultivar in {L}atin and {C}entral {A}merica showing a high yield performance and stability performance. {H}1-{C}entroamerica and {S}tarmaya contain more d-limonene than {C}aturra, while {S}tarmaya contain more 3-methylbutanoic acid than the control. {T}hose two latter volatiles compounds are linked with good cup quality in previous studies. {I}n terms of sensory analysis, {S}tarmaya and {H}1-{C}entroamericano scored better than control.}, keywords = {{C}offea arabica ; {F}1 {H}ybrids ; {A}merican cultivars ; {S}tability ; {Y}ield ; {Q}uality}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}uphytica}, volume = {216}, numero = {5}, pages = {art. 78 [17 p.]}, ISSN = {0014-2336}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1007/s10681-020-02608-8}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010079000}, }