@article{fdi:010078987, title = {{C}hanges in sexual behaviors in men who have sex with men : a comparison between the double-blind and open-label extension phases of the {ANRS}-{IPERGAY} trial}, author = {{D}i {C}iaccio, {M}. and {S}agaon {T}eyssier, {L}uis and {M}imi, {M}. and {S}uzan-{M}onti, {M}. and {P}rotiere, {C}. and {C}astro, {D}. {R}. and {M}eyer, {L}. and {T}remblay, {C}. and {C}hidiac, {C}. and {C}apitant, {C}. and {P}reau, {M}. and {M}olina, {J}. {M}. and {S}pire, {B}. and {ANRS} {IPERGAY} {S}tudy {G}roup,}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}re-{E}xposure {P}rophylaxis ({P}r{EP}) is changing the landscape of {HIV} prevention, and may bring changes in sexual behaviors. {T}he double-blind phase ({DBP}) and open-label extension ({OLE}) study of the {ANRS}-{IPERGAY} trial allowed us to assess changes in sexual behavior of men who have sex with men ({MSM}) taking sexual activity-based (i.e., on-demand) {P}r{EP}. {G}eneralized {E}stimating {E}quation ({GEE}) models found a significant decrease in the number of sexual partners ({C}oefficient [{CI}95%], p value; - 0.37[- 0.70 to - 0.04], p = 0.03) between the {DBP} and {OLE} as well as in the number of sexual relations (- 0.25 [- 0.49 to 0.00], 0.04). {GEE} estimates also showed that respondents' most recent sexual relation was less likely to have been with an unknown casual partner during the {OLE} than during the {DBP} ({O}dds {R}atio [{CI}95%], p value: 0.75[0.62-0.92], 0.005). {F}urthermore, they showed an increase in the proportion of condomless anal sex in the {OLE} (1.32[1.04-1.67], 0.02), a decrease in the proportion of 'suboptimal {P}r{EP} adherence' over time (0.75[0.58-0.97], p = 0.03), a decrease in {P}r{EP} only use (0.73[0.55-0.96], 0.03) and in both {P}r{EP} and condom use over time (0.70[0.51-0.95], 0.02) and finally, a decrease in alcohol consumption between the {DBP} and {OLE} (0.74[0.61-0.90], 0.002). {W}e observed both protective and risky behaviors in terms of {HIV} and {STI} risk after on-demand {P}r{EP} uptake in the {OLE} phase. {O}ur findings are consistent with results from previous {P}r{EP} trials.}, keywords = {{HIV} risk management ; {P}r{EP} ; {B}ehaviors ; {MSM} ; {ANRS}-{IPERGAY} trial ; {FRANCE} ; {CANADA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{AIDS} and {B}ehavior}, volume = {24}, numero = {11}, pages = {3093--3106}, ISSN = {1090-7165}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1007/s10461-020-02864-8}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078987}, }