@article{fdi:010078965, title = {{I}mpact of contrasted weather conditions on {CDOM} absorption/fluorescence and biogeochemistry in the eastern lagoon of {N}ew {C}aledonia}, author = {{D}upouy, {C}{\'e}cile and {R}ottgers, {R}. and {T}edetti, {M}arc and {F}rouin, {R}. and {L}antoine, {F}. and {R}odier, {M}artine and {M}artias, {C}. and {G}outx, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{N}ew {C}aledonia ({S}outhwest {P}acific), like all tropical {P}acific {I}sland countries, is impacted by weather events, climate change, and local anthropogenic forcing. {S}trong erosion of particles and dissolved organic matter ({DOM}) from ultramafic rocks, associated with trace metals dissemination (i.e., nickel, manganese and cobalt), potentially affects lagoon waters and coral reefs surrounding the main island. {T}he {CALIOPE} ({CAL}edonian {I}nherent {O}ptical {P}rop{E}rties) cruises were performed along the {E}astern {L}agoon of {N}ew {C}aledonia ({ELNC}) (400 km, 13 transects from {B}ay to open ocean, 51 stations) during contrasted meteorological conditions: a dry period ({O}ctober 2011), a windy situation ({M}arch 2014), and a strong rainy event ({M}arch 2016). {CDOM} absorption and fluorescence ({FDOM}), particulate absorption, backscattering, suspended particulate matter ({SPM}), total chlorophyll a ({TC}hla), nutrients ({NO}x), pigment and phytoplankton composition were measured. {A}mong the four {CDOM} fluorophores, the humic-like component (lambda({E}x)/lambda({E}m): 235/460 nm), assimilated to a photoproduct of terrestrial organic matter, had relatively low fluorescence compared to protein-like fluorophores. {A}s {CDOM} absorption, particulate absorption, backscattering, {SPM}, total chlorophyll a ({TC}hla) and nutrient ({NO}x) concentrations, this humic-like material generally showed the highest values during rainfall events, the latter inducing an increase in riverine terrigeneous inputs and change toward higher phytoplankton size classes. {T}he tyrosine 1-like (lambda({E}x)/lambda({E}m): 220, 275/304 nm) and tryptophan-like fluorophores (lambda({E}x)/lambda({E}m): 230, 300/352 nm) were strongly influenced by wind displaying a 7-fold and 3-fold increase, respectively in windy situation compared to calm conditions. {T}hese increases could be related to enhancements of autochthonous biological activities (highest mean concentrations of {S}ynechococcus spp., phycoerythrin, pico- and nano-eukaryotes, heterotrophic bacteria and nanoplankton observed in wind condition) through the inputs of organic and mineral materials issued from the wind-induced sediment resuspension, atmospheric deposition and water mass mixing. {B}y contrast, the tyrosine 2-like fluorophore (lambda({E}x)/lambda({E}m): 245, 275/304 nm) substantially increased during rain events and presented the lowest values in wind conditions. {T}hese strong increases may be linked to the stimulation of planktonic activities due to riverine inputs. {T}herefore, this study emphasizes the significant differential influence of weather conditions (calm/wind/rain) on biogeochemistry and {CDOM}/{FDOM} distributions in the {ELNC}.}, keywords = {chromophoric dissolved organic matter ; fluorescence ; {N}ew {C}aledonia ; {T}ropical {P}acific ; lagoons ; bio-optics ; phytoplankton ; rivers ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE} ; {PACIFIQUE} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}rontiers in {E}arth {S}cience}, volume = {8}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 54 [19 p.]}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.3389/feart.2020.00054}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078965}, }