@article{fdi:010078957, title = {{I}dentification and frequency of consumption of wild edible plants over a year in central {T}unisia : a mixed-methods approach}, author = {{D}op, {M}arie-{C}laude and {K}efi, {F}. and {K}arous, {O}. and {V}erger, {E}ric and {B}ahrini, {A}. and {G}hrabi, {Z}. and {E}l {A}ti, {J}. and {K}ennedy, {G}. and {T}ermote, {C}. and {M}edina {S}tudy {G}roup}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}bjective: {T}o identify wild plants used as food and assess their frequency of consumption over a year in a region of {T}unisia where agriculture is undergoing a major transformation from smallholder farming to an intensive high-input agricultural system. {D}esign: {Q}ualitative ethnobotanical study followed by a survey of women's frequency of consumption of wild plants conducted using {FFQ} at quarterly intervals. {S}etting: {S}idi {B}ouzid governorate of central {T}unisia. {P}articipants: {M}ixed-gender group of key informants (n 14) and focus group participants (n 43). {S}urvey sample of women aged 20-49 years, representative at governorate level (n 584). {R}esults: {E}thnobotanical study: thirty folk species of wild edible plants corresponding to thirty-five taxa were identified by key informants, while twenty folk species (twenty-five taxa) were described by focus groups as commonly eaten. {P}opulation-based survey: 98 % of women had consumed a wild plant over the year, with a median frequency of 2 d/month. {W}ild and semi-domesticated fennel ({F}oeniculum vulgare {M}ill. and {A}nethum graveolens) was the most frequently consumed folk species. {W}omen in the upper tertile of wild plant consumption frequency were more likely to be in their 30s, to live in an urban area, to have non-monetary access to foods from their extended family and to belong to wealthier households. {C}onclusions: {I}n this population, wild edible plants, predominantly leafy vegetables, are appreciated but consumed infrequently. {T}heir favourable perception, however, offers an opportunity for promoting their consumption which could play a role in providing healthy diets and mitigating the obesity epidemic that is affecting the {T}unisian population.}, keywords = {{W}ild edible plants ; {E}thnobotany ; {C}onsumption ; {FFQ} ; {N}utrition ; {T}unisia ; {TUNISIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}ublic {H}ealth {N}utrition}, volume = {23}, numero = {5}, pages = {782--794}, ISSN = {1368-9800}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1017/s1368980019003409}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078957}, }