@article{fdi:010078926, title = {{D}ivergent roles for macrophage {C}-type lectin receptors, dectin-1 and mannose receptors, in the intestinal inflammatory response}, author = {{R}ahabi, {M}. and {J}acquemin, {G}. and {P}rat, {M}. and {M}eunier, {E}. and {A}la{E}ddine, {M}. and {B}ertrand, {B}. and {L}efevre, {L}. and {B}enmoussa, {K}. and {B}atigne, {P}. and {A}ubouy, {A}gn{\`e}s and {A}uwerx, {J}. and {K}irzin, {S}. and {B}onnet, {D}. and {D}anjoux, {M}. and {P}ipy, {B}. and {A}lric, {L}. and {A}uthier, {H}. and {C}oste, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}olonic macrophages are considered to be major effectors of inflammatory bowel diseases ({IBD}s) and the control of gut inflammation through {C}-type lectin receptors is an emerging concept. {W}e show that during colitis, the loss of dectin-1 on myeloid cells prevents intestinal inflammation, while the lack of mannose receptor ({MR}) exacerbates it. {A} marked increase in dectin-1 expression in dextran sulfate sodium ({DSS})-exposed {MR}-deficient mice supports the critical contribution of dectin-1 to colitis outcome. {D}ectin-1 is crucial for {L}y6{C}(high){CCR}2(high) monocyte population enrichment in the blood and their recruitment to inflamed colon as precursors of inflammatory macrophages. {D}ectin-1 also promotes inflammasome-dependent interleukin-1 beta ({IL}-1 beta) secretion through leukotriene {B}4 production. {I}nterestingly, colonic inflammation is associated with a concomitant overexpression of dectin-1/{CCL}2/{LTA}4{H} and downregulation of {MR} on macrophages from {IBD} patients. {T}hus, {MR} and dectin-1 on macrophages are important mucosal inflammatory regulators that contribute to the intestinal inflammation.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}ell {R}eports}, volume = {30}, numero = {13}, pages = {4386–4398}, ISSN = {2211-1247}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.1016/j.celrep.2020.03.018}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078926}, }