@article{fdi:010078914, title = {{R}ecent trend in hydroclimatic conditions in the {S}enegal river basin}, author = {{B}odian, {A}. and {D}iop, {L}. and {P}anthou, {G}. and {D}acosta, {H}. and {D}eme, {A}. and {D}ezetter, {A}lain and {N}diaye, {P}. {M}. and {D}iouf, {I}. and {V}ischel, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}nalyzing trends of annual rainfall and assessing the impacts of these trends on the hydrological regime are crucial in the context of climate change and increasing water use. {T}his research investigates the recent trend of hydroclimatic variables in the {S}enegal {R}iver basin based on 36 rain gauge stations and three hydrometric stations not influenced by hydraulic structures. {T}he {M}an {K}endall and {P}ettitt's tests were applied for the annual rainfall time series from 1940 to 2013 to detect the shift and the general trend of the annual rainfall. {I}n addition, trends of average annual flow rate ({AAFR}), maximum daily flow ({MADF}), and low flow rate ({LFR}) were evaluated before and after annual rainfall shift. {T}he results show that the first shift is situated on average at 1969 whereas the second one is at 1994. {W}hile the first shift is very consistent between stations (between 1966 and 1972), there is a significant dispersion of the second change-point between 1984 and 2002. {A}fter the second shift (1994), an increase of annual rainfall is noticed compared to the previous period (1969-1994) which indicates a not significant, partial rainfall recovery at the basin level. {T}he relative changes of hydrologic variables differ based on the variables and the sub-basin. {R}elative changes before and after first change-point are significantly negative for all variables. {T}he highest relative changes are observed for the {AAFR}. {C}onsidering the periods before and second shifts, the relative changes are mainly significantly positive except for the {LFR}.}, keywords = {trends ; {S}enegal {R}iver {B}asin ; rainfall shift ; hydroclimatic variables ; streamflow ; climate change ; {SENEGAL} {BASSIN}}, booktitle = {{M}ultiscale impacts of anthropogenic and climate changes on tropical and mediterranean hydrology}, journal = {{W}ater}, volume = {12}, numero = {2}, pages = {art. 436 [12 p.]}, year = {2020}, DOI = {10.3390/w12020436}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078914}, }