@article{fdi:010078837, title = {{I}mpact of mating behaviour on the success of malaria control through a single inundative release of transgenic mosquitoes}, author = {{B}o{\¨e}te, {C}hristophe and {A}gusto, {F}.{B}. and {R}eeves {R}.{G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}ransgenic mosquitoes are a potential tool for the control or eradication of insect-vectored diseases. {F}or malaria, one possible strategy relies on the introduction of malaria-refractory transgenes into wild {A}nopheles mosquito populations that would limit their capacity to transmit the disease. {T}he success of such an approach obviously depends on a variety of factors. {B}y developing a model that integrates both population genetics and epidemiology, we explore how mosquito mating preferences and the cost and efficacy ofrefractoriness affects the long-term prevalence of malaria in humans subsequent to a single generation inundative release of male transgenic mosquitoes. {A}s may be intuitively expected, mating discrimination by wild-type individuals against transgenic ones generally reduces the probability that transgenes be comestably established at a high frequency in mosquito populations. {W}e also show that in circumstances where transgenic individuals exhibit some degree of discrimination against wild-type individuals, this can favour the spread of refractory alleles and lead to a significant reduction in malaria prevalence in the human population (if the efficacy of a dominant refractory mechanism exceeds at least 75%). {T}he existence of such a non-intuitive outcome highlights the practical value of increasing the understanding of {A}nopheles mating preferences in the wild as a means to harness them in the implementation of population replacement approaches. {P}otential strategies by which previously described mating preferences of {A}nopheles gambiae populations could be exploited to manipulate the matechoice of transgenic release stocks are discussed.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {T}heoretical {B}iology}, volume = {347}, numero = {}, pages = {33--43}, ISSN = {0022-5193}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jtbi.2014.01.010}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078837}, }