@article{fdi:010078780, title = {{F}lavivirus {RNA} in phlebotomine sandflies}, author = {{M}oureau, {G}r{\'e}gory and {N}inove, {L}. and {I}zri, {A}. and {C}ook, {S}. and de {L}amballerie, {X}avier and {C}harrel, {R}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}andfly-transmitted phleboviruses, such as {T}oscana, sandfly fever {S}icilian, and sandfly fever {N}aples, can cause human disease and circulate at high rates in {M}editerranean countries. {P}revious studies have also established that viruses other than phleboviruses may be detected in and isolated from sand flies. {T}he recent detection and isolation (in a large variety of mosquito species) of insect-only flaviviruses related to cell fusing agent virus has indicated that the latter is not an evolutionary remnant but the first discovered member of a group of viruses, larger than initially assumed, that has high genetic heterogeneity. {I}nsect-only flaviviruses have been detected in and/or isolated from various species of mosquitoes, but nevertheless only from mosquitoes to date; other dipterans have not been screened for the presence of insect-only flaviviruses. {T}he possible presence of flaviviruses, including insect-only flaviviruses, was investigated in sand flies collected around the {M}editerranean during a trapping campaign already underway. {A}ccordingly, a total of 1508 sand flies trapped in {F}rance and {A}lgeria, between {A}ugust 2006 and {J}uly 2007, were tested for the presence of flaviviruses using a {PCR} assay previously demonstrated experimentally to amplify all recognized members of the genus {F}lavivirus, including insect-only flaviviruses. {T}wo of 67 pools consisting of male {P}hlebotomus perniciosus trapped in {A}lgeria were positive. {T}he two resulting sequences formed a monophyletic group and appeared more closely related to insect-only flaviviruses associated with {C}ulex mosquitoes than with {A}edes mosquitoes, and more closely related to insect-only flaviviruses than to arthropod-borne or to no-known-vector vertebrate flaviviruses. {T}his is the first description of insect-only flaviviruses in dipterans distinct from those belonging to the family {C}ulicidae (including {A}edes, {C}ulex, {M}ansonia, {C}uliseta, and {A}nopheles mosquito genera), namely sand flies within the family {P}sychodidae. {A}ccordingly, we propose their designation as phlebotomine-associated flaviviruses.}, keywords = {{A}edes ; {A}rbovirus(es) ; {C}ulex ; {M}osquito(es) ; {S}andfly ({S}andflies)}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{V}ector-{B}orne and {Z}oonotic {D}iseases}, volume = {10}, numero = {2}, pages = {195--197}, ISSN = {1530-3667}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.1089/vbz.2008.0216}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078780}, }