@article{fdi:010078662, title = {{S}creening of fifty {C}unoniaceae species from {N}ew {C}aledonia for inhibitors of xanthine oxidase and scavengers of superoxide anions}, author = {{F}ogliani, {B}. and {B}oura{\¨ie}ma-{M}adjebi, {S}. and {C}abalion, {P}ierre}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}wo-hundred-and-four extracts (101 ethyl acetate extracts and 103 methanol extracts) from 50 species of {C}unoniaceae from {N}ew {C}aledonia were screened for antioxidant properties due to free radical scavenging and/or xanthine oxidase ({XOD}) inhibitory activity. {O}f the crude extracts, 95.1% were active at a concentration of 50 mug/ml. {F}ifteen (27.8%) extracts showed more than 50% activity at 10 mug/ml and were studied for {XOD} inhibition. {A}ll were active against {XOD} at 5 0 mug/ml but only 6 (40%) showed up to 60% inhibition. {E}thyl acetate extracts from the bark of {W}einmannia dichotoma {B}rongniart & {G}ris, {W}einmannia monticola {D}aniker and {C}unonia linearisepala ({G}uillaumin) {B}ernardi and from the roots of {C}odia incrassata {P}ampanini, as well as methanol extract from the bark of {P}ancheria brunhesii {P}ampanini, exhibited the highest activities (between 70% and 86% {XOD} inhibition at 50 mug/ml). {I}n view of these preliminary results, {N}ew {C}aledonian {C}unoniaceae species appears to be promising material for the isolation of bioactive compounds.}, keywords = {{PLANTE} {UTILE} ; {ESPECE} {ENDEMIQUE} ; {PROPRIETE} {PHARMACOLOGIQUE} ; {OXYDATION} ; {BIODIVERSITE} ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}harmaceutical {B}iology}, volume = {40}, numero = {7}, pages = {526--533}, ISSN = {1388-0209}, year = {2002}, DOI = {10.1076/phbi.40.7.526.14690}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078662}, }