@article{fdi:010078627, title = {{A}ntioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective activities of a plant extract derived from traditional {C}hinese medicine : {S}u{H}e{X}iang {W}an ({AT}000)}, author = {{I}skandar, {S}. and {S}enankpon {G}nansounou, {M}. and {R}obin, {M}. and {L}orquin, {J}ean and {D}i {G}iorgio, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n this paper, we present {S}u{H}e{X}iang {W}an, a medicine used in traditional {C}hinese medicine for the treatment of epilepsy and convulsions. {W}e investigated the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective activities of the same treatment designated as {AT}000. {T}he synergy of the two plants, {D}ryobalanops aromatica and {S}aussurea lappa, of which the use in alimentary supplements is considered controversial, was evaluated for the first time. {T}he antioxidant activity of the extract was assessed by {DPPH} and {ORAC} tests while the anti-inflammatory activity was determined by measuring the capacity of macrophages to generate a strong inflammatory response when stimulated with antigens, inducing {NO} release. {T}he extract efficacy on the attenuation of the {A}β25-35-induced learning deficits (spatial working memory: spontaneous alternation in the {Y}-maze and contextual long-term memory: passive avoidance test) was evaluated in vivo in mice seven days after the peptide administration. {T}he impact on lipid peroxidation in the hippocampus, an index of oxidative {C}hemistry of {A}dvanced {M}aterials ({CAM}) {J}ournal homepage: http://issrpublishing.com/cam/ {I}skandar et al., {C}hemistry of {A}dvanced {M}aterials 3(2) (2018) 36-59 37 stress, was also evaluated. {AT}000 extract showed a strong antioxidant activity at 2 mg/m{L}, 10 mg/m{L} and 301774 {T}rolox equivalents according to the {DPPH} and {ORAC} tests respectively. {T}he 21-days {AT}000 treatment dose-dependently alleviated {A}β25-35-induced deficits, with significant prevention at the highest dose tested (250 mg/{K}g/day) on the spontaneous alternation, step-through latency and escape latency parameter. 21-days {AT}000 treatment dose-dependently attenuated also {A}β25-35-induced increase lipid peroxidation, with a significant and complete blockade at the highest doses tested. {S}ynergistic experiments showed that the presence of {D}ryobalanops aromatica and {S}aussurea lappa is crucial to obtain a neuroprotective effect. {A}ccording to these results, {AT}000 could be a candidate compound in the development of therapeutic drugs for the prevention and treatment of {A}lzheimer's disease.}, keywords = {{MEDECINE} {TRADITIONNELLE} ; {PLANTE} {MEDICINALE} ; {SUBSTANCE} {NATURELLE} ; {INTERET} {PHARMACOLOGIQUE} ; {OXYDATION} ; {MALADIE} {D}'{ALZHEIMER} ; {INFLAMMATION}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}hemistry of {A}dvanced {M}aterials}, volume = {3}, numero = {2}, pages = {36--59}, year = {2018}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078627}, }