@article{fdi:010078599, title = {{A} targeted approach to the identification of candidate genes determining susceptibility to {P}lasmodium gallinaceum in {A}edes aegypti}, author = {{M}orlais, {I}sabelle and {M}ori, {A}. and {S}chneider, {J}.{R}. and {S}everson, {D}.{W}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he malaria parasite, {P}lasmodium , has evolved an intricate life cycle that includes stages specific to a mosquito vector and to the vertebrate host. {T}he mosquito midgut represents the first barrier {P}lasmodium parasites encounter following their ingestion with a blood meal from an infected vertebrate. {E}lucidation of the molecular interaction between the parasite and the mosquito could help identify novel approaches to preventing parasite development and subsequent transmission to vertebrates. {W}e have used an integrated {B}ulked {S}egregant {A}nalysis-{D}ifferential {D}isplay ({BSA}-{DD}) approach to target genes expressed that are in the midgut and located within two genome regions involved in determining susceptibility to {P}. gallinaceum in the mosquito {A}edes aegypti. {A} total of twenty-two genes were identified and characterized, including five genes with no homologues in public sequence databases. {E}ight of these genes were mapped genetically to intervals on chromosome 2 that contain two quantitative trait loci ({QTL}s) that determine susceptibility to infection by {P}. gallinaceum. {E}xpression analysis revealed several expression patterns, and ten genes were specifically or preferentially expressed in the midgut of adult females. {R}eal-time {PCR} quantification of expression with respect to the time of blood meal ingestion and infection status in mosquito strains permissive and refractory for malaria revealed a differential expression pattern for seven genes. {T}hese represent candidate genes that may influence the ability of the mosquito vector to support the development of {P}lasmodium parasites. {H}ere we describe their isolation and discuss their putative roles in parasite-mosquito interactions and their use as potential targets in strategies designed to block transmission of malaria.}, keywords = {{PALUDISME} ; {TRANSMISSION} ; {VECTEUR} ; {PARASITE} ; {GENETIQUE} {DE} {POPULATION} ; {GENOTYPE} ; {RELATION} {HOTE} {PARASITE} ; {SENSIBILITE} {RESISTANCE} ; {EXPRESSION} {DES} {GENES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}olecular {G}enetics and {G}enomics}, volume = {269}, numero = {6}, pages = {753--764}, ISSN = {1617-4615}, year = {2003}, DOI = {10.1007/s00438-003-0882-7}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078599}, }