@techreport{fdi:010078502, title = {{T}he {D}engue risk transmission during the {FIFA} 2014 {W}orld {C}up [preprint]}, author = {{L}ucio, {P}.{S}. and {D}egallier, {N}icolas and {S}pyrides, {M}.{H}.{C}. and {S}ilva, {C}.{M}.{S}.e. and {S}ilva, {J}.{C}.{B}.da and {S}ilva, {H}.{J}.{F}.da and {M}aximo, {G}. and {J}unior, {W}. and {M}esquita, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}engue is a viral infection that can produce a severe fever and symptoms that may require hospitalization. {I}t is transmitted between humans by the urban-adapted, day-biting {A}edes mosquitoes and is therefore a particular problem in towns and cities. {T}o explore this risk, one has assessed the potential levels of exposure by a climate-driven model for dengue risk transmission in {B}razil and records of its seasonal variation at the key sites. {L}ike the weather, it is unworkable to forecast the precise situation with regard to dengue in {B}razil in 2014. {O}ne can, however, make informed guesses on the basis of averaged records of dengue in previous years. {F}or the areas around the {W}orld {C}up stadiums, these records show that the main dengue season will have passed before the {W}orld {C}up is held in {J}une and {J}uly. {U}nfortunately, the risk remains, even this is low but not negliegible, during these months in the {B}razilian north and northeast. {B}ut, in fact, the risk of an outbreak of dengue fever during the upcoming soccer {W}orld {C}up in {B}razil is not serious enough to warrant a high alert in the host cities, according to a reliable early warning system for the disease.}, keywords = {{BRESIL}}, address = {}, series = {{A}r{X}iv}, pages = {en ligne [14 ]}, year = {2014}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010078502}, }